Canada’s Superior Court Receives My Judicial Oath of Office, May 23, 2017
All of the documents are important, each a new Page in My Story. It is important to make My Intentions known. The administration office of Canada’s Superior Court are to communicate all of My Intentions to all relevant offices within Canada’s Ministries. If they fail to administrate (add Minister’s State) [to] My paperwork effectively, it is important that I have something to show it has been issued – the Ministry issued, is sued (and guilty) by default for failing their in their administration Duties. I felt it was important to advise the Crown that I had placed an Executive Order into the Guelph Police Service.
If You cannot read the above documents, they read as follows:
Greetings and Blessings,
I, King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, would like to express My most sincere gratitude to all Ministries within the Canadian Government for acknowledging My claim to God’s Kingdom and giving Me the opportunity to bring unsurpassed Glory to Canada and its people.
All Ministries within the Canadian government will hereby acknowledge My Judicial Oath of Office, My Sworn Duty to Protect God, and Her Grace, Glory and Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II’s Promise to Protect the common Law, God’s Law, in all territories and provinces of Her Jurisdiction.
I do also hereby Swear, with God as My witness, that I Will be the fairest, most just and loving King the world has ever known. My Intention is to establish peace in the world for My 44th birthday which is just under two weeks away and I truly fail at nothing.
In Order for Me to accomplish this task, I Will need to appoint a Finance Minister to take care of My food and lodging needs and this I Will need done as soon as humanly possible. Canada’s current finance Minister may take care of this Duty, or a position may be created for the role. Food and lodging are a priority for Me to continue My Work and I would like a personal finance Minister to take care of any commercial details and networking lodging and travel arrangements.
I have placed an Order into the Superior Court for the Guelph Police to be Duly notified of My new status and position in the world and I would like this Order handed down by the appropriate department within Canada’s Ministries as soon as possible – this status change Will also need to be changed in all police databases.
I Will also need to have all charges remaining on the commercial record for SEAN STEPHEN VON DEHN, (specifically the two warrants issued by the CITY OF TORONTO) Crown so I may Honourably discharge the debt for My S.I.N. with My life.
For the unlawful arrest of last Wednesday, May 17, the officers responsible for My arrest Will be appointed to accompany Me back to Angel’s Diner. They Will enjoy breakfast with Me at My expense after explaining to the restaurant owner and manager that they were wrong to have ignored the legal documents I had with Me last week, and that I truly am a King in this country. I think it’s a far cry better than disciplinary action and I am sensitive to the fact that My position is new and unfamiliar for them.
Finally, I would like to thank all departments, offices and public servants Honouring those elected positions in advance for their cooperation and assistance in accomplishing these tasks for Me as soon as possible. My position Will not interfere in any Way, shape or form with any current government functions or operations, all departments Will continue to operate as usual.
I look forward to the opportunity to meet with all the elected officials holding positions of public office within the Canadian government as soon as it is appropriate for Me to do so. I hope this day finds You well,
Love and Blessings,
King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God (Thumbprint)