New Characters; Josh of the John Howard Society Joins the Last Chapter
So, no Word yet from Anne Charette. I Will be Giving her until Friday, which is more than generous, then I Will follow up with one last email to inform her of how I Will proceed moving forward (for-Ward, Ward=Protection).
Monday was Magical in Deed as I also received an email from Josh of the John Howard Society.
May 4, 2020, 11:53 AM
We got a message for Home for Good. They will need your most recent notice of assessment by June 1, 2020. I can do your taxes on my end through an app but I will need your 2019 T5. Did you get it in the mail if not what’s your OW workers extension? I can give her a call and see if she can send it to me by email.
I also texted you but given the importance I thought I would email you as well.
Hope everything is going well,
I had received this rather random piece of mail last week. It is ‘part’ of a form or statement of benefits but not the full page. The address on the statement is incorrect and there is no accompanying explanation, though it was sent by the city of Ottawa, 100 Constellation Drive, which is where the Home for Good subsidy program operates from. I presume the above email and this cryptic partial tax form are related.
This is why I say exercising One’s right to self determination requires a certain amount of patience. One must have their ‘most recent and completed tax return’ as part of the initial application if My memory serves correct. I don’t remember it being on Dan’s list of items I would need, but I recall him mentioning that after I had obtained at least one of the pieces of government issued ‘id’ on his list, I would need to request all of My tax assessment forms to file My taxes. I know something of that nature was mentioned because when I told him I don’t do that because it is specifically the ‘account’ I Wish to see the government close, he said, “Oh, You don’t have to do anything except request the forms, We’ll do all of that for You.”
Like really, it can feel like One is tall King to a brick wall. I know there is an assertion to My Writing Style, so I just Wish to stress the importance of it. It was like Dan didn’t hear a single Word that came out of My mouth that day. Now One may also understand why I felt Dan always seemed nervous when I acquired the subsidy without his assistance and was as King to have him, specifically, assigned to Me.
There is no reason why the city should not just bring this Matter to Me directly, why would they contact Josh at the John Howard Society for something they need Me to address? It doesn’t make sense. However, this is ALL an extension of the main Issue I brought before Canada’s Ministries that I have now been as King of Orsolya and Anne Charette to resolve once and for all. So the following response was ‘cc’d’ to Orsolya and Anne Charette, team lead for Ontario Works. Now every One is a Character in My Story because all are contributing in some Way, whether Willfully or in ignorance.
Mon, May 4, 2:29 PM
Hi Josh,
Yeah, well I don’t consent to any obligation to file taxes because I’m not a certified person and am under no obligation to aid and abet government fraud. If the state Wishes to file taxes for the certified person they are more than welcome to – it has NOTHING to do with Me. Home for Good already sent Me a partial tax form showing what they paid out in rent for 2019, but the address to which they claim to have paid rent is incorrect. So I don’t Wish to be part of that fraud, either. You Will have to contact Home for Good and let them know the taxes they filed are incorrect, the address was 247 Montreal Road, not whatever number on Hanna St. they stated in the claim. I am ‘cc’ing this document to Orsi and her team lead supervisor, Anne Charette because I am tired of dealing with these issues. A man may NOT be compelled to contract for insurance in order to work or earn a Living wage, to suggest otherwise is to compel a man to contract under threat of withholding his right to Life, Liberty and Freedom. These are corporate rules for incorporated persons. I am NOT an incorporated person, I am a Living Man. Now Home for Good is suggesting they Will revoke My subsidy if I fail to comply with an order to file taxes? That sounds like a threat to Me…
Please be advised, this email is a Matter for the Public Record,
Lord Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God
I have not filed taxes since I made My declarations to Canada’s government and did file all taxes up to the year I made My declarations to Canada’s government just so there would be no outstanding Issues on My end. Now, the government is in default for failing to address My Order to close the account. Chris Tuck said, ‘there is no account, I don’t know what You are tall King about.”
A Social Insurance Number (SIN) is assigned to an Insurance Account and money that is assessed and filed as ‘benefits’ with revenue Canada are insurance claims because the Canadian government (as a business) is required (fiduciary obligation) to have an insurance policy for their People (employees). When an organization like Housing Services files a claim, they Will be showing they paid ‘x’ number of dollars for Housing to an individual who is assessed ‘eligibility’ as a claimant of the insurance. If there is an obligation to satisfy the claim, the money is discharged from Canada’s debt. That’s what revenue Canada is going to do with the assessment and why companies receive deductions for charitable donations (but they only get a portion back, of course). How much of that money Will go back into Canada’s economy for the People? Your guess is as Good as mine, but the Idea here is that the city of Ottawa Will be compensated for these payments because it is not a ‘luxury’ expense for the city, it is the satisfaction of an obligation (but not the fulfillment of it). The city of Ottawa Will receive some kind of deduction for satisfying any of their obligations, which is why they are likely happy to pay as much as they do for shelter costs at places like the Salvation Army. Greater cost means it ‘looks’ as though the government is spending a lot on its fiduciary obligations, which provides a financial kickback in the Way of a deductions, even though the obligation is never fulfilled.
Mon, May 4, 3:23 PM (1 day ago)
Hello Orsolya,
Attached is the checklist for the renewal application. Sean I believe you have also received this document in the mail with a package of other documents from Home for Good?
Sean if you want I can forward this email to Sana with HFG and you can have a conversation with her about the renewal process?
So, once again, Josh is not listening, it is as though I said nothing at all. For Josh, the checklist is God. I hadn’t yet received a package from the city of Ottawa, but I decided I would check My mail again before answering to that question in the email.
May 4, 2020, 3:34 PM (1 day ago)
Hi Josh,
I Will follow up shortly. But I JUST advised You I may NOT be compelled to file a tax return under threat of having My subsidy revoked. If You do NOT understand what I am telling You, You no longer have My consent to take care of any business Matters concerning the incorporated person, SEAN VON DEHN. Please have the city or Home for Good contact Me with their concerns and threats directly!
Thank You
May 4, 2020, 3:59 PM
Hi Josh,
Okay, so I just checked mail, and no, there is no ‘package’ here from Home for Good. The only thing I have received is 2/3 of a tax form, no explanation for sending it, no explanation as to why I’m not receiving the full document. All of these ‘conditions’ I am hereby protesting RIGHT NOW were waived at the time of My initial assessment of eligibility for the subsidy. I advised that I would NOT be compelled to perform any actions that trespass upon My right to self determination. I consented to ONE visit from an agent of Jon Howard Society, otherwise, I waived all other requirements for renewal and informed Housing Services that unless they receive a statement from indicating otherwise, My eligibility has not changed. So yes, You can forward these emails to Sana and have her contact Me directly on all further Matters. As far as Jon Howard Society is concerned, I would like a detailed invoice of My move in allowance and how that money was spend including all applicable receipts. I would like to ‘sign off’ with Jon Howard as soon as possible. This is the second time You have misrepresented My character.
Lord Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God.
May 4, 2020, 4:07 PM
Forwarding this email to Wendy and Sana.
I responded with a brief ‘thank You’ that went out to all recipients, then sent Josh a private email to let him know this isn’t personal, but I can’t continue to allow People with no comprehension of these Issues presuming they are capable of doing business on My behalf – they’re not.