Notices to State Actors Perpetrating Crimes Against Humanity and Medical Fraud
These International Public Notices are Affidavits of the facts regarding the medical fraud being perpetrated by Canadian Officials abdicating their Oath of Office on this International Public Record.
Lauda Dudas, Deputy Mayor, City of Ottawa: Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability
- 2nd and Final Notice to Deputy Mayor, Laura Dudas
- Default Judgement, Nihil Dicit, Res Judicata – Laura Dudas, Deputy Mayor, Ottawa
Ottawa’s Public Health Officer, ‘Doctor’ Vera Etches; Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability
- 1st Notice, October 22nd, 2021
- 2nd and Final Notice, October 23rd, 2021
- Notice of Default Judgement, Nihil Dicit, Res Judicata – Issued to Vera Etches for medical fraud, breach of Trust, 36 counts of attempted manslaughter, crimes against humanity.
Letter to Secretary of the Office of the Governor General; Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability
- Official Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability Issued to Canada’s Governor General, Mary Simon; Treason
- Second Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability Issued to Mary Simon – Treason, Breach of Public Trust
- Follow up email to Mary ‘Simple’ Simon advising her of her incompetence and treasonous Acts against Canada’s People and Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II