Reply from Anne Charette, Team Lead, Social Services
Okay, so I finally receive a reply from Anne Charette, Team Lead, employment and social services, city of Ottawa. Because Orsi had not forwarded all of My emails, I anticipated Anne would only be responding to My ‘complaint’ regarding the special diet allowance [benefit]. I was correct.
Apr 21, 2020, 11:17 AM
Good Morning Mr VonDehn,
Thank you for reaching out with your concern.
As for the special diet, according to directive 6.6 Special Diet Allowance, we are required by the province to make sure that all required documentation to support eligibility and/or ineligibility for a Special Diet Allowance is complete and on file. Therefore, the Application for Special Diet Allowance (Form 3111/3112) and the Special Diets Schedule are used to determine eligibility for, and the appropriate amount of, a Special Diet Allowance (SDA). Because of this you will need to have a special diet form filled out and returned to your CaseWorker Orsolya so that we are able to determine eligibility.
Please reach out to Orsolya to obtain an electronic copy of the form. Many doctors are operating remotely therefore this will help you have the form filled out.
Thank you for your consideration
Best Regards / Cordialement,
Team Lead / Chef d’équipe
City of Ottawa/ Ville d’Ottawa
Employment and Social Services Central
Okay, so this is basically just revisiting the original Issue I was having with Orsi regarding the special diet allowance. One thing I Wish to point out, is that I was able to Sign as My own doctor to receive ‘medical transportation allowance’, which provides a monthly public transit benefit (enough to buy a monthly bus pass). The difference with this form, is that there are a number of medical conditions that warrant a special diet, so the form does need to be completed otherwise they simply don’t know which ‘special diet’ benefit to Issue. So I do understand why they need the form and why they can’t simply issue the benefit as they did with the transportation allowance. I may just fill out the form My Self, send that back to Orsi and see what happens. However, I am far more interested in dissolving the Trust created for My benefit, so that I Will no longer need to depend or rely on the Canadian government for anything. You may notice another detail about the email that did not impress Me, though I address that later. (Keeping You in suspense right now to see if You can guess what that might be – if You are a regular reader, You probably picked up on the error immediately).
Apr 21, 2020, 12:33 PM
Hi Anne,
Well, that is a great start with respect to the form for dietary allowance, but that is NOT what I was as King of Orsolya to contact You about. I was as King of Orsolya to forward all documents presented by Me to Ontario Works and Signed by Orsolya Vancsody as agent and commissioner of the Trust. Ontario Works is providing statutory ‘benefits’ in lieu of access to My ‘rights’. I have rescinded My Trust in Canada’s government and have placed My Trust in God which is Honoured by Canada’s constitution. I am tired of playing Games with individuals who either seem to be completely ignorant with respect to the citizen ship contract and how Canada borrows money, or Willfully ignoring their public duties and responsibilities to those You are here to SERVE. You are a government employee, Your service is to Canada’s People, the People are Your authority. For that reason, all these emails and Your response to them Will be published on My website,
THIS is what I asked Orsi to forward to You to have formally and officially addressed by Canada and these Ministries unless You are suggesting I am a bonded slave and indentured servant.
Hello again, Orsolya,
Okay, then I am thing King We should use this time to move forward with the Issues I have brought before these Ministries (Ministry of Community and Social Services via Ontario Works) previously with respect to Sovereignty, the right to Self determination, the (political and economic) right to not be compelled to participate as a ‘for profit’ commercial entity, and to be recognized as the not for profit Spiritual entity I am. As an Agent and Commissioner of the Trust, You are the one (with the fiduciary duty and obligation) to facilitate My request. You have made copies of every document I was as King of You to Sign, and You (should) have a copy of all the Notices I have sent to other Ministries within the Canadian government concerning these Matters which were given You at the time of My ‘application’ as ‘beneficiary’ of the Trust [the Canadian citizen has placed in their government] in 2017.
So I would like You to find out whom it is I can meet with to have these issues finally resolved. I find it difficult to believe I am the only Man in human history to claim a Spiritual Life, and as a social worker, it would seem to Me that You should have access and knowledge of resources I can exploit in Order to accomplish this so that I can operate as a not for profit entity. To suggest otherwise would be to imply that I am held in bondage and servitude by the State, and I am thing King We both know that bondage and slavery were abolished some time ago and would not Wish to discover it is still a common practice here in Canada. Moving forward on the presumption that slavery and bondage is not legal in Canada, it would seem there must be a Way to rescind such bonds in Good Faith, and I would like for You to discuss this Matter with Your superiors so We can resolve this Matter once and for all.
I look forward to hearing from You with regards to this Matter at Your earliest convenience. Once again, this Letter Will be published on the Public Record. I know You also believe We are equal in both rights and dignity, We Will resolve this Matter together.
“Whenever two or more are gathered in My name, anything Shall be possible for You…”.
Lord Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God.
I look forward to hearing from You at Your earliest convenience.
Lord Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God.
You Will notice that I just took the liberty of forwarding the email I had been as King of Orsolya to carbon copy to Anne. Although I always read My emails over once before sending, I do still miss little typos now and then as it can be very difficult for One to catch their own Spelling and grammar errors (because the Mind already knows what One Wishes to say and Will read what should be rather than what is). I was pleased with the content of the email overall and figured I had covered all the Issues I Wish to resolve… Then I realized I forgot one very important and personal detail, “Hallowed be My name”.
Apr 21, 2020, 12:34 PM
And DO NOT EVER address Me as ‘Mr.’, I am NOT an incorporated person!
Yeah, so I have a feeling the last email probably let Anne know I was not impressed with the Way she chose to address Me. It might seem like a small detail, but it is one I get very tired of having to repeat over and over. If it had JUST been ‘Mr.’ in front of ‘von Dehn’, I may not have been so offended. However, it was VonDehn which is entirely different and incorrect. To Me it is the same as Spelling ‘Sean’, ‘Shawn’, or ‘Shaun’. It is not the same name, regardless whether or not they sound the same.
I Will be following up with Anne sometime tomorrow morning (Monday, April 27th) to see how she is making out. I am cautiously optimistic that Anne is making some phone calls and trying to find some real, permanent solutions.