The Official List of Canadian Government Authorities and Representatives God is Displeased with (In Order of Rank)
Canada’s Governor General, Her [not so excellent] excellency, Julie Payette (God took care of this One)
Chief Public Health Officer, Theresa Tam – Treason, Mandating policies that trespass upon the constitutional rights of Canada’s People, taking directives from an unelected foreign body (WHO) not founded in science and destroying Canada’s economy and the mental health and well being of Canada’s People
Province of Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor General, Elizabeth Dowdrey
The [not quite] right Honourable, Justin Trudeau, (Treason)
Premier Doug Ford, (Treason)
Attorney General’s Legal Director, Sean Kearney
Marc Giroux, Canadian Judicial Council
Josee Gauthier, Canadian Judicial Council
[Dis] Honourable Justice, Herb Kreling
[Dis] Honourable Justice, Bobby (Robert) Beaudoin
Mayor of the city of Ottawa, His [only a fool would] Worship, Jim Watson (Treason)
Vera Etches, Ottawa Chief Medical Officer (Treason, Violation of Hippocratic Oath)
Laura Dudas, Deputy Mayor, Ottawa (Aiding and abetting treason, medical fraud, intimidation and coercion to receive unnecessary medical procedures)
Legal council for the city of Ottawa, Genevieve Langlaise
Legal council for the city of Ottawa, Jeremy Wright
Legal clerk, city of Ottawa, Tasha Fenner
Liar/Lawyer, Noah S. Potechin (Fraud, extorsion, grand larceny, breach of trust, trespass)
Laraine Burton, legal clerk, Merovitz Potechin LLP (aiding and abetting fraud, extorsion, grand larceny, breach of trust, trespass)
Guelph’s Member of Parliament, the [dis] Honourable Lloyd Longfield
Ontario Works Director, Christopher Tuck
Ottawa Citizen and Sun’s Editor in Chief, Michelle Richardson
Ontario Works Manager, Kristine Haines-Chiarello
The Toronto Police Service
The Guelph Police Service
The Ottawa Police Service
Sergeant Catherine Wood, Ottawa Police Services, Willful breach of Trust, refuses to protect the legally afforded inherent rights of Peoples in Canada.
Constable Christopher Jenkyn, Ottawa Police Service, badge #2209
Ottawa’s Housing Services (responsible for protecting the rights of Ottawa’s People subject to shelter service by the city of Ottawa for failing to provide dignified housing for their poor) Shelley Van Buskirk,
Salvation Army Booth Center’s Director of Operations, Mike White
Salvation Army Public Relations Manager, Caroline Franks
Salvation Army General Manager, Jason Prevost
I’m sure there Will be more but God Wished for Me to let You know. God does not take kindly to trespasses upon the children of God’s Kingdom, and You were their caretakers. You have all failed to Honour Your Oath to the People of Canada for failing to protect their inherent (God Given) rights in one Way or several. Repent, SINNERS!
All who are as King, Will be for Given. 😉
Forgive Me of My trespasses, as I for-Give those who trespass on Me
The Lord’s Prayer, My Covenant and Trust (Cestui Que Vie) in God