Hello every One, Happy Two’s Day! I Will not be Writing My final installment of My ‘The Family’ Interpret-A-Sean this week, I’ve been too busy with My Statement of Claim. Before I get into that, I Wish to re-View something else today (related).

Okay, so the series of Cards above represents the Natural course of events with respect to Our Central Quest-Ion (Babalon). They are all TRUMPS, which represent Universal Forces beyond One’s control, Karma, God’s Will. So the Central Card is the Focus or the main Idea behind the natural progression of events, and I’ve suggested it represents Babylon in the Macrocosm (because that was the Central Focus of the original Quest-Ion), and the Salvation Army in My Microcosm. Because these are TRUMPS and represent God’s Will, I was uneasy about filing a legal proceeding against the Salvation Army, I thought it might be suggesting I should leave the Matter in God’s Hand.
The Funny thing is, I have been various Characters in the Tarot at different times, sometimes the TRUMPS are a Sign of Our Spiritual growth. We know I am always tall King about Magic, and the Tower is influenced by ‘The Magus’. What I find so funny about it, is that the expression and ‘attitude’ of the Magus almost perfectly emulates how I feel Writing this Claim. It also mimics another aspect of My Character that I was tall King about when We examined the Prince of Wands, the Court Card that represents My Character in the Tarot.
“This is principally due to his enormous capacity for work, which he exercises for its own sake, “without lust of result”; perhaps his haughty contempt for the world at large-which however coexists with profound and ecstatic respect for “every man and every woman” as “a star”-is responsible for this.” Prince of Wands, Thoth deck
The Magus looks as though He doesn’t have a care in the world, dancing on a tightrope. I am thing King You Will appreciate the next section of My Claim a little more with the additional insight.

All right, Ladies and Gents, Queens and Kings, I hope You all have a terrific Two’s Day. II is a Door. 😉
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