Hello every One, and welcome to the Witches, Wizards and Warlock’s Lucky Wednesday Edition, thank King You for joining Me. Yes, as the Title Will imply I am Serving up a Royal Strawberry Scone Recipe for You today, and I Will also be including a link to My source.
The Magic of My Lucky Wednesday is that these are the sort of Spells I’ve been mixing up in My own kitchen lately. Did I tell You I was a baker once? It’s True, I do somewhat dismiss most of what I learn in the Way of recipes when I leave a place – partially because recipes are no longer relevant information, and partially because most recipes Will be copyright ‘trade’ secrets if they are used by a business. But One never forgets the ‘Art’ of baking – knowing when a mix is too wet or too dry, too sticky or oily, how long to mix, what temperature to cook at… Those are all things One Truly develops over time and they consistently change anyway. I baked for years in both Ontario and British Columbia, and the very same products would require serious (even if very subtle) adaptations to account for changes in altitude. I Imagine the ‘instinct’ is the same reason some People probably consistently ‘fail’ at cooking even when following a recipe. It can leave One at a serious disadvantage if they can’t identify and problem solve before it’s too late. I’m prefacing this next photo with this information because this recipe was one of those examples.
I Imagine the recipe is perfect, it could be a detail as subtle as My large egg being a little smaller than the average large egg. Either Way, I am going to make You go to the site for the recipe as a token of My appreciation. Obviously, I didn’t make them exactly as the recipe describes, I only used the recipe as a guideline because I was able to remember all the ingredients, just not the quantities or proportions. The recipe is for blueberry scones, hopefully it is reasonably obvious that these are strawberry scones (because both frozen strawberry and mixed berry were on sale, blueberry was sold out).
For Me, the overall mix was too dry and I knew it was too dry because I know what scone ‘dough’ should feel like. The most important tips I can Give You is to make sure it is wet enough to stop crumbling without it actually becoming wet and sticky. Overmixing Will kill Good tea biscuits, too. Enough moisture added to the dry mix to quickly gather up all the ingredients and cohesively form, then immediately out onto flour dusted surface for pinning (half inch or so thickness), then use a cookie cutter or sharp knife to cut into biscuit size pieces. They don’t get too much bigger so they can be placed close on the pan, 425 F for 20 minutes was perfect (preheated oven, of course).
And yeah, My photography needs some work but they were amazing!!! I should have taken a photo after they’d cooled and been placed in a basket with a cloth liner- looked every bit as Good as what You’d get at the bakery. I’ll do that for the mixed berry scones I’m making tonight and I’ll be doing that one entirely from memory so We’ll see how it goes.
That’s the other reason this Wednesday feels so Lucky for Me, because these are the kind of things I would like to be sharing with You. One of My ‘boards’ on Pinterest is Called ‘Kings without Queens – Bachelor Life 101’. I don’t have very many Posts on that board yet but I would like to one day. I’m not sure if People realize how much work bachelor Life actually is. The thought of cooking three meals a day can be daunting on its own at times, never Mind the dishes, cleaning, laundry and all that other Jazz. Perhaps the most challenging Part of it all is that there is no One to do it for but One’s Self. Be nice to share My Strawberry Scones with People but the only Way I can do that is here.
It’s also much more Fun than tall King about incompetent government offices and corporations, though the more We go down this path leading back to ‘normal’, the more I feel it may in fact be necessary. I’m sure all of You Will know that the last thing I Wish to have on My plate right now is another lawsuit, but that may very well be the case. I’m trying a different strategy because although I have placed them on Notice of Criminal and Civil Liability, I have not Posted it here on My Blog yet. I was harassed and denied service at a business for not having a mask. More importantly, it is a government regulated business and the district manager is asserting that the Emergency Measures Act provides for his business the ‘right’ to discriminate against individuals who are unable to wear a mask.
I so legitimately do not Wish to be compelled to take People into court, that I am hoping I can still talk some sense into the regional manager and advise him that the Notice is not yet on the Public Record. All I am as King for is an apology for being turned away from his business and assurance it Will never happen again. Instead, he is asserting his right to discriminate against Me. I told him if he does not offer an apology and assure My safety from harassment in his business, I Will Publish the Notices on the Public Record and be as King for $100,000.00 for the initial offense, and $100 for every day of additional harm he fails to guarantee protection from discrimination by his business.
Honestly, I really Wish I didn’t have to do it but it’s one thing when You show a business what the law says, what it Will cost them if they violate the law again, hear nothing from them and are never harassed by their business again, and a business asserting that they have the legal right to do the harm that was done to You, and there is nothing One can do about it.
“We have the right to discriminate against You, We don’t care how it makes You feel, and We are going to continue to do it even though We know the law does not provide Us with the authority or powers to do so.”
I’m not the only One with a medical mask exemption, so if they don’t guarantee that I Will not be harassed by their business, I Will very much Post the Notice here with the rest and when I file a Statement of Claim against them, it may be as plaintiff representing a class of People in a Class Action so that any People who are denied entry by this business Will be entitled to compensation. I’ve looked into it, it’s not really that much more complicated than a regular lawsuit, it only needs to have the class of People clearly defined.
Again, I’m hoping they come to their senses rather quickly because they are a very big business. That’s also all the more reason why asserting they can do this is incorrect and a serious trespass upon Canada’s People, not just Me.
Still no Word from the city of Ottawa and We only have one more day to go before I can note them in default?! Seriously, I stand on My belief I do not think they Will let that happen but I was also not expecting to wait until the final hour of the very last day to hear from them, and that’s what We are down to. So it may well be a Thoroughly Thrilling Thursday in Deeds tomorrow because I haven’t even prepared the paperwork yet because I am not expecting they Will go into default. But tomorrow Will tell and if they do, I Will have some Thrilling Deeds to take care of in Deed. 😉
Love and Blessings,
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