Hello ever One and welcome to the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Re-View where We re-View the best Scenes in this Glow-ball Product-Sean from the past week, and pre-View upcoming Scenes State Actors Will Play on the world Stage in what may very well be Universal Pictures most excellent Present a Sean to date! Henry de Sinister Almeida Sampaio Suzuki Wishes to go to war with a King’s determine a Sean to Honour his Father in Heaven – and that it also why this is the ‘Son’ day Edition, as this is the Living Record of My efforts to Honour My Father in Heaven as Commanded Me by God.
“Honour thy Father and Mother.” – Fifth Commandment of God
This week were were tall King about ‘Rex Verses Vinicius the Odious Oliveira’, a Crown prosecutor who is violating his Oath and attempting to proceed against a Man in fraud while simultaneously trespassing upon a Trust Instrument on file with Canada’s Ministry of the Attorney General and Department of Justice. Keep in Mind that as a representative of Crown (allegedly) he cannot plead ignorance of what the Crown knows, so it must be presumed that he is proceeding with malicious intent to trespass upon a Trust Instrument and a Trustee’s Fiduciary obligate Sean’s to his late Father in Heaven.
You can catch up on those two Posts from earlier this week with the following links.
Although I am not going to share the fraudulent police inform a Sean’s provided to Me by Vinicius the Odious Oliveira until after the Judicial Pre-Trial scheduled for 1:30 Post Midi this coming Lucky Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 because I don’t Wish to Give too much away before the event (I Will share them at some point in the future to Show every One how to identify why they are fraudulent), there is a lot of inform a Sean in the fraudulent inform a Sean’s that expose the conspiracy against Me.
Vinicius has in fact only provided Me with all the evidence a Man could ever dream to have to put People away for a long time for serious violations of their Oath as officers of the Court, fraud concerning public money, fraud concerning the Registry of the Superior Court as a Registry Officer, and collusion against Canada’s People to deprive them of their access to the Courts! Yeah, let’s take a look at Henry the Sinister Almeida Sampaio Suzuki’s resume, shall We?

It appears he is an immigrant from Brazil who arrived in Canada in May of 2023!? He basically just got off the proverbial boat! He immediately gets a job as a Judicial Assistant and begins conspiring against Canada’s People, denying them access to Justice in violation of their inherent rights?! Who vetted this fraudster? He brags about how he (was) Trusted with highly confidential and sensitive legal documents. You don’t say, Henry the Sinister Suzuki!!! I believe that legitimately constitutes TREASON against Canada’s People because he is ALSO presuming to represent the Crown, or His Majesty, King Charles III, House of Windsor! Wow, is the King hiring spies from Brazil to infiltrate Canada’s Courts with corrupt clerks? Or does that sound more like something the treasonous Trudeau government would do?
You’ll notice that I say he was Trusted as a Judicial assistant but now works as a Registry officer? Would that not be a demotion? That is a rhetorical Quest-Ion, I’m not sure what the answer is but it sure sounds like a step backwards. What’s more interesting still, is that he stopped being a judicial assistant at the exact same time he received a Notice of Non Acceptance for Fraud of a decision made by Agent Smith (Marc E. Smith, Superior Court Judge)? That’s very interesting. Is that because the Judge does not Wish to be ‘associated’ with Henry the Sinister Suzuki if he proves to be conspiring against Me and attempting to weaponize the Courts against Me instead of enforcing the default Judgment awarded against opposing counsel?
Just so You know, THIS was the most downloaded document after the Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition when I was first tall King about Henry the Sinister Suzuki contacting Toronto Superior Court security (the same Court conspiring against Me in My father’s Estate Matter).
Sometime after receiving this Notice, Henry the Sinister Suzuki decided to commit treason against Canada’s People, ignore the (above) Notice he received, and rather than forward the Notice to the Judge so that Smith can enforce the default judgment in accordance with the Rule 37.13 summary Motion (which is a very real thing and does absolutely apply), he instead decided to reply to Christopher Anti-Christ Man’s request to harass Me for Recording the proceedings and complained to Katie the Colluding Shaw of the Toronto Superior Court, as King of Katie the Colluding Shaw to contact the Ottawa Police Service and request for their detective unit to begin an investigate-Sean into the Recording. Federal, indictable offences such as $3 million insurance fraud, falsely accusing My father of the criminal Acts of Tiffany the Gold-Digging Grifter Singh, and aiding and abetting the Toronto Superior Court’s determination to proceed against My late father without any due process whatsoever, effectively stealing My property, trespassing upon My Trust obligate Sean’s, and attempting to weaponize Canada’s Courts against Me for reporting the crimes to him were apparently not worth investigating – even though the Court of Record (Registry which he allegedly works as an officer for) Will prove the fraud absolutely on its face!!! WOW!!!
Maybe Henry the Sinister Suzuki should be considered the primary conspirator perpetrating treason against Canada’s People and attempting to undermine Our Judicial system and defame the Crown’s reputate a Sean (which is exactly the same as defaming King Charles III, House of Windsor him Self, because it is presumed all these State Actors are ‘Hands of the King’ as Crown representatives). I’m the only One who is actually Honouring My Oath to both God and the King by reporting it to You here!
Let’s get this freak of nature deported or imprisoned – same for Vinicius for impersonating the King and suggesting His Majesty Wishes to prosecute Me for what I am publishing here. I’m sure if his Majesty were offended by anything I am doing he would most certainly not be too shy to let Me know him Self. I do not believe for one second that the King was as King of Vinicius to weaponize the Courts against Me for reporting federal crimes to Henry the Sinister Suzuki.
Here’s a preview of today’s downloads.
Some One is interested in the fraud. I’ll be honest with You, legal documents are not commonly downloaded by the average Man (of either kind/sex) – most People find legal documents boring, so only interested parties are likely to be reading them.
Henry the Sinister Suzuki Truly is a sinister piece of shit! I cannot wait to report him to the appropriate authorities. Will another Justice of the Peace conspire with all of these fraudsters and be complicit with their crimes, or Will the Crown re-Deem it Self on Lucky Wednesday of this coming week? Only time Will tell.
In other, lighter fare, I’ve been playing chess again lately and actually studied a couple of opening books with Chessable.com. It absolutely improved My game, though it is probably about time for Me to review them again and take a couple more courses. What I can tell You from first hand experience, is that the chess world got a lot tougher post plandemic. So many new People started playing chess on chess.com that they had to add seven new servers (if memory serves correct) and YouTube channels teaching chess became ‘trendy’. As a result, the entire chess community leveled up its game and when I first came back after not playing much during the plandemic, I lost over three hundred points!!!
I used to average somewhere between 1200 and 1300 consistently and got schooled so badly by lower rated players, that I hit a low of 900! It was entirely demoralizing because chess really isn’t something One should get worse at over time! Generally, principles in chess once mastered Will stay with One forever. But one thing I never studied was openings and a lot of opening traps were being taught.
At any rate, for those of You who do Play chess (or Wish to), I’ve always opened with e4 and although there are countless openings to try, I don’t figure there is much point learning new openings until One has fully exploited the opening One is war King with. The games I do win are usually pretty decisive (and same with losses, usually thanks to blunders), so I plan to use e4 until it gets boring or I find I’m having closer games with more draws.

Although 1307 really isn’t much of a rating when compared with Masters of the game (2200+), I reached My best ‘non provisional’ rating of 1341 when I was fifteen – that was Good enough to beat the chess instructor at My junior high school five games straight (Mr. Rivard). It’s also Good enough that 94.7 percent of the some seven million or so players on chess.com are lower rated than Me! That statistic still blows My Mind because the difference between 1300 and 2000 is… Vast– to say the least! By comparison, the world’s best chess player, Magnus Carlson is 3300 and something last time I watched him Play. Also, the world’s best chess player could not possibly be more humble and likeable – if You don’t know who he is check him out sometime because he’s just an incredible dude and inspires a lot of People to Play.
I have some Good wins lately and feel My game is stronger than ever. I’m always open to accept a challenge if any One Wishes to Play. My best win was just recently against a player rated 1708 in a tournament where We Play two games each of opposing colour. I drew with black and won with white which was also the biggest ‘upset’ of the tournament, so I was very pleased with that result!
If One prefers a fifteen minute game, You can try this link, too.
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