Hello every One and welcome to the Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, Your Presence is always a Gracious Gift in My House. Today has been a very Magical and Motive a Sean all Monday for Me in Deeds because I have received confirm a Sean that opposing counsel Will be Present (pre-Sent/Summoned) on Judgement Day, 23-OCT-23. Or 23-10-23, if One prefers. Doesn’t the Date it Self not look Magical? Remember the film ‘The Number 23’? If not, check it out sometime for the reference to be more meaningful.
But before I even get into today’s feature photo and the antics responsible for today’s Title, ‘How to Deal with Contemptuous, Criminal Cox‘, I Wish to say that the day started with a very Good Omen in Deed!!!
I am thing King it was only four or maybe five days ago that I received an email from ‘Prose.com’, a platform that promotes authors and hosts a monthly Writing contest. It was years ago that a Friend of mine recommended that I join the site and enter one of their Writing contests, so I Signed up for the site and have been receiving the monthly emails for longer than I could even reasonably hope to guess, always reading the criteria and Writing prompt for their next contest.
Many times I just wasn’t interested because I wasn’t inspired by the Writing prompt, the prize that was being offered, or the Writing format (sometimes it might be a poem with very specific criteria, for example).
However, the email I received last week remained in My inbox for a couple of days because I was very interested in entering the challenge for the first time ever. Any style of Writing whatsover, including Freelance and Journalism. But the prize was what really evoked My enthusiasm – premium membership as a featured author on the platform, allowing Me to charge a monthly subscript-Sean to access whatever content I Wish. Content I Wish to publish to what’s Called ‘The Emerald Lounge’ features ‘premium authors’ and requires a monthly subscript-Sean, and I can charge whatever I Wish. As ‘premium’ content, Posts Will also rank higher and receive more views than regular, unpaid content.
The contest runs until March 24th, 2024 or something, so I had lots of time to be thing King about it. But only one entry is allowed (sometimes One can enter as much as they Wish within the time provided). I have three Posts on this Blog that consistently receive a lot of views, ‘My Story‘, ‘Fortune Favours the Brave‘, and ‘Becoming a Student of the Universe‘ (in that Order), so I decided I would enter My Story into the contest sometime on Friday of last week.
This Magical, Monday morning, I received an email to inform Me that I have won a lifetime membership as a featured author of ‘The Emerald Lounge‘ on Prose! Pretty cool considering I was not expecting to hear anything for months!
Perhaps obviously, it has nothing to do with Wishing to charge People to subscribe in order to read My Writing, it was all about receiving recognition as a premium author and potentially winning a contest. I’m never going to stop providing My content here for free and Will actually make the site more user Friendly with less adds when I have (access to) sufficient wealth to do so. This was just about making the cut and I was very surprised to receive the results so soon!
I’ll be charging $5 a month for My ‘premium’ content, which Will really just be a copy of selected Posts I publish here, and I Will let My audience know they can access My Writing for free here, but subscriptions are appreciated to support My advocacy work in the community as a not for profit Organize a Sean.
Alright, now on with today’s Title.
The picture above is an example of very simple, and yet very Powerful Magic. It is NOT satanism, please don’t be too quick to judge the five pointed Star of David. A satanist would call this type of Magic a ‘hex’ or curse upon the named individuals, and the intent would be for all kinds of cancerous consequences to become the individuals named.
This is a Protect-Sean Spell. I’m just letting God know who are betraying God’s Trust and attempting to cause Me harm by Way of His Calling for them. God knows who these People are, he Gifted them with the Calling I am Spelling, so when I am as King of God to take care of these People… Well, Trust Me when I tell You God knows where every One of these Characters are every second of every day and Will Set (like the Son, Set) the Stage for Me on 23-10-23.
My opposing counsel are just confirming that they Will be Present on Judgement Day, so We know that Honourable Justice Gomery’s Summoning Spell for these clowns to appear in person is also war King its Magic in Man’s Macrocosm. Trust Me, I’m not the only One using Magic on a regular basis, I’m just One of few who are concsiously Casting Spells all the time, which amplifies the Intent-Sean.
I’m not even sure if I’ll upload them all in the correct order, so bear with Me, but the following documents detail the correspondences with opposing counsel this morning, once again demonsrating their gross contempt for the Rules of the Court and My position as Trustee of the plaintiff Trust. Once again, this is an example of what NOT to do in a law suit. Do NOT antagonize Your adversary, seek to make Peace with him or her.
They continue to Style the document as a civil (commercial) claim and refer to The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean (the Trust) as ‘self-represented’. Make no mistake about it, this is contempt, especially when One has advised opposing counsel on several occasions that refering to the Claimant as ‘self-represented’ ‘plaintiff’ (Claimant is the proper Style for a Matter in equity) is a trespass upon the Trust Instrument and Will be considered additional contempt!
In any Matter, but in a Court Matter especially, opposing counsel does not have any right whatsoever to express the Claimant as anything other than the Style the Claimant used in the return address provided to them in the filing.
You a-Dress opposing counsel exactly as they are as King of One to. If the Way I had Styled My documents to make the Claim initially is not proper and affects the legitimacy of the Claim in any Way, it would only make it that much easier to expose by continuing to express the entire Claim exactly as it was filed with the Court! Right? If I’m as King to be addressed as the Trustee and Executor of the Claimant Trustee, that is exactly how opposing counsel are obliged to address Me both legally and Lawfully!
That’s also precisely why Honourable Justice, Somji’s last Words of the September 7 Endorsement are to address Me as ‘King Sean, of House von Dehn’ for the motion hearing! So now they are not only Showing contempt for how I Wish to be addressed, they are defying a direct Court Order! This is now contempt of the Somji Endorsement, telling the Court that they don’t care what Justice Somji has to say about how they Will address Sean, their going to address him however they Wish, just to antagonize Me and trespass upon My Trust to the very last hour!
… appears to be the most appropriate Way to Characterize the situation’
Christopher Crisman ‘Cox‘ – juris doctorate in Law
And the most contemptuous, arrogant, ignoramus of ass calling him Self a juris doctorate in Law? Seriously? This is Christopher Chrisman-Cox’ example of how a juris doctorate in Law should respond to a Trust Claim? Very interesting in Deed. Humiliate-Sean Will be coming his Way very soon! I Will have My day in Court, and it Will be Judgement Day for many in Man’s Macrocosm!!!
Yes, My sister’s lawyer is arguably worse, if One can believe that!?
For Neil, I didn’t just let him know it was incorrect, he had sent Me the document in the wrong format (Court documents are to be attached in pdf, not Word format) which allowed Me to edit the document (so for that purpose it may have been intentional) – so I took the liberty of doing so and reformatting in the proper pdf format to file with the Court for him! Wasn’t that nice of Me? I’m even saving him the trouble of having to make the required amendment him Self.
But no, Neil insists on contempt because he also has no clue what it means to be a Trustee, he’s never heard of a Trust before, his specialty is intellectual property rights… But he doesn’t Wish to respect My property rights and insists on trespassing upon My Trust, and the incorrect Spelling of My most Magical Calling? His firm specializes in Estate and Trust law. Hoping to convince a Court in a week’s time that he’s never heard of a Trust, the Trustee Act of Ontario, or a Trustee Acting as the Executor of a Claimant Trust.
And I’m the One with a convoluted conception of Canada’s legal system? I am absolutely going to crush these two clowns in a weeks’ time!!! Some People might be thing King it’s an exaggerate-Sean that I Will be sending some People to jail soon, but I Give You My Word it is not!
These criminal clowns are just gaslighting to the last moment, and it is a futile and frankly insane strategy. All One needs to do is read My Reply Factum to know they are done.
It is worth pointing out that in the little mini-motion I had with Court clerk, Derek Bert, he mentions that he remembers meeting Me at the Courthouse and comments on how Good My filings are (implying that I should bring another motion to address the Issue rather than deal with it right now). The Reply Factum above is as Good as any Reply Factum any lawyer would file, perhaps even better than some. It complies with all the Rules, including backsheet, virtually perfect.
The reason I point all of this out, is because I’m not going to destroy these People in a week’s time because I’m King Sean of House von Dehn and I have some kind of special super power or anything, I’m going to win because these People are Truly Acting like clowns!
This is about as contemptuous as litigants can be, and this in NOT a Good Idea. The Court Will allow it just as Ashley Moniz Andrade did today. The Court Will not do anything about it because they don’t have the power to do anything unless some One is as King. But they Will bear silent witness to One’s Deeds.
So One has to Keep their comments related to the subject Matter at Hand. I can call them clowns here because they are! But I can’t do that in My response to their service of documents or I’m in contempt, too! I can have whatever opinion of their Actions I Wish outside of the Court filings. At this point, I could send a private email to either One telling them what I’m really thing King of them and it would be reasonable becaues the contempt is so extreme and beyond ridiculous. I’m still not going to do it, though!
Just notice that the Words I use are not inappropriate because it is the exact legal term One uses to describe what they are doing on a Court of Record. I’m using a lot of emphasis, but no profanity, nothing I say is un-True.
It was a little different with Samantha Monreuil because she was hoping to participate long after she’s already been Noted in Default and responds with equal contempt!? I would be completely different if the lawyer jumped in at the last moment and offered a superior resolution proposal or something… But to Show up literally months after they are technically in default and almost a month after they are officially noted in default?
Honestly, My experience with lawyers… Not Good examples, seriously. Any lawyer who reads this Will tell You the same, which is why I don’t have any trolls on this Blog. I may ride a High horse, but it’s rightly deserved, I know what I am tall King about.
This Post is a little longer than usual, but it Will also be My first ‘only for subscribers’ Post on Prose, so if One Wishes to support the Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean, One can subscribe to My Prose profile and or encourage others to do so. Because I’m ‘not for profit’, I haven’t decided what I Will do with the funds received by susbscipt-Sean’s yet, but I Give You My Word, it Will be put to Good use and promote additional wealth for Man’s macrocosm in some Way.
To win a free membership to a Writing platform for My Story on the same day opposing counsel confirm My siblings are coming to see Me, is a very Good Omen (Sign from God) in Deed.
Love and Blessings,
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