Hello every One and welcome to the Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition of The Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour and Pleasure to have the Gift of Your Presence in My House! Today is a very Special Motive a Sean Edition True to the Intent-Sean of this Public a’Sean. Yes, as today’s Title Will suggest, I have officially launched a YouTube and Twitch channel to promote a new Light House von Dehn Product-Sean, ‘The Rocky Road to 2000 ELO’ by vonDehnVisuals.
vonDehnVisuals was a name I Created to represent My Vision (Vie-Sean) for the world – a Title to represent all of My Creative Works. All the Paintings and Posts I Produce belong to vonDehnVisuals. vonDehnVisuals is the Registered owner of all the intellectual property I’ve Produced that is My legacy on www.vonDehnVisuals.com, and it was designed to reflect My belief that everything I Create should be available to Benefit every One and any One interested in My Works without (primarily financial) frontiers.
The Light House von Dehn Product-Sean Company is the name of the production company I Created to Produce individual Creative works, such as the ‘He Art in Heaven Exhibit-Sean’ (the collection of Portraits (for traits) of State Actors that are Playing a Significant Role in My Story on the World Stage), ‘The Story of Tiffany, Tanja, Michael and the Magnificent Estate Fraud Cons Piracy‘, ‘Bad Ass Buddha Product-Sean Company’, ‘Prince of Peppers’, ‘The Good Green Thumb Nursery’, et cetera…
My Cestui Que Vie is the Foundation for ‘The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean’ Trust; King Sean, of House von Dehn, was Trusted to ensure that all intellectual property (the Great Works and Deeds) Created by the Man commonly known as Sean von Dehn is protected from commercial and corporate exploit a Sean and freely available to every One (remove the living dead (corporations) from the Land of the Living). The Kingdom of Heaven is before Us now for those with eyes to see. 😉
The latest of these ventures is a reflect-Sean of My determine a Sean to produce content that is fun, entertaining and educational without having to harp on the corruption of State Actors all the time. This Journal is supposed to be about Motive a Sean and Inspire a Sean, overcoming incredible obstacles, attaining One’s goals at virtually any cost except that of One’s Soul – for then One Gives up their sole purpose for being here…
So I am pleased and proud to Present to You (for a second time, officially) Light House von Dehn’s latest Product-Sean, ‘The Rocky Road to 2000 ELO‘ on Twitch. I’ve been quietly improving My chess game by maintaining a queue of twenty-five daily games that only require one move per day for more than a year now. I was getting too frustrated playing Rapid Chess on Chess dot com because there are so many cheaters. I didn’t even know that was (probably) the main reason, I just lost three hundred rating points in a very short period of time and decided I should probably study more before doing any more damage to My rating!
Now that I know cheating is such a big problem on chess dot com (and it really is, just do a search in YouTube or something to see how many videos come up about it), I don’t really care about losing so much – it’s still frustrating to lose to a (potential) cheater, but one of the things that was frustrating Me was that I had a solid rating between 1200 and 1300 in Rapid on Chess dot com for a couple of years before the plandemic hit. I just thought a lot of People started studying chess and the field got a lot tougher in general because players at 1000 elo are playing like 1200-1500’s (and the 1200-1500’s Will probably be playing more like 1800-2200 elo).
Right now I’m at 1336 in My daily games which I feel is probably closer to My True ‘OTB’ rating (over the board), and I’m determined for that rating to be reflected in My Rapid games, too. I Truly love the game, even when I lose!!! In fact, as long as I’m NOT losing to a cheater, I almost enjoy losing (when I learn something or when I’m simply outplayed). I learn how to use those tactics in future games and benefit more from losses overall as a result. So I decided to dedicate at least two hours to playing Rapid chess daily until I reach a rating of 2000 ELO or better. People really enjoy watching chess videos on YouTube (I know because I happen to be one of them), so I decided to stream My games to invite People to join Me on My journey – an ambitious rating climb up a proverbial mountain to the sacred summit of 2000 ELO in Rapid Chess on Chess dot com (I actually play more on Lichess now but the goal is for My rating to be consistent on both platforms and right now I find chess dot com substantially more challenging).
And because there are no coincidences in the Universe, before I introduce You to My new channel and venture, I Wish to share with You an email I received while writing this Post. I swear One cannot say anything about the genocide that was perpetrated on Man’s kind because Truth is shadow banned, even on X. Do not believe that ‘X’ is a free speech platform, it is protecting the People that mandated those horrible bioweapons on the People, posing as vaccines.
This is what One calls ‘passive aggressive’. They are not banning Me, not Giving Me a strike or threatening to revoke My account, just telling Me that as King for People to be tried at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity for mandating an experimental medical product on the People is ‘hate speech’. Coercing and intimidating People to receive this harmful and potentially lethal medical product in violation of the Nuremberg principles regarding legally informed consent is NOT hateful? I only mention that last time People used the excuse they were ‘just following orders’, they were still hanged for their crimes. That was the point – to be so horrifying and terrifying that no One would ever DARE do such a thing to Man’s kind ever again. And yet history loves to repeat it Self. I didn’t say any One should be hanged without a trial, I said they should be fairly tried. But yes, if found guilty of perpetrating genocide on almost eight billion People, I believe they deserve to be hanged.
After that lovely thought, let’s get back to chess!!!
Who would have thought that starting a chess channel on YouTube would be of interest to People? A week ago, I was lucky to have twenty views of My videos in an entire week (maybe even a full year). Since starting My new YouTube channel, I’m getting thousands of views a week! I shared My stats with You today just to show You how dramatic the change is. I know it’s still negligible compared to videos that receive hundreds of thousands or millions of views on YouTube, but it’s a start!!!

So I’m also Writing today to express My thanks for making My new YouTube venture such a success. People seem to love My chess shorts, so I am leaving a link to My most successful short and also a link to My channel. Please like and subscribe to show Your support!
See You on the next Rapid grind?
Love and Blessings,
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