Hello world, how is every One tonight? I Trust You are well unless You are One of Canada’s State Actors who don’t seem to have the slightest clue how to Play their Part in this Glow-ball Product-Sean. I have no doubt My ‘He Art Exhibit Sean’ Will have sufficient Characters to Create My own Living Tarot deck. That was kind of the Idea in the beginning but I wasn’t thing King there would be enough Characters – a full Tarot Deck has 80 Cards, though most People Will tell You I am incorrect on that because most traditional decks One would buy in a store Will have 78 (if they are any Good at all). The two Secret Cards are Re-Served for the Creator of the deck and the Love of the Creator’s Life. If it were a Matrix Tarot deck, Neo would be the 80th Card, Trinity would be the 79th (for example).
I Will concede that I could be wrong about this, but I believe in Crowley’s deck he was depicted as the Beast (80th card, but numbered 666), and the Artist of the deck was the Love of his Life even if they were never romantically involved, Crowley had said that no One could have brought forth the Images Crowley had Imagines as well as the Artist, Lady Frieda Harris. They were telepathically connected in a Way I don’t believe Crowley ever connected with any One else (though all this is strictly speculate-Sean based on what I’ve read of Crowley – I believe one of the reasons he described him Self as ‘the Beast’ (666) was because he has such deep compassion and Love for humanity, he Secretly resented his Role on the world Stage).
Perhaps the best film example would be V from ‘V for Vendetta’ – his Role was to purge the evil, encourage evil in Order to bring forth its polar opposite. But if he succeeds, he ushers in the Golden Dawn of Man. He felt the sacrifice was worth it, though I believe his consciousness suffered as a result of it. Just My opinion, but I’d be very interested to have a converse a Sean with some One who may have known him better in Real Life. One can never believe what We are told by the Tell a Vision, because that’s exactly what it’s there for, to tell You a Story they Wish for You to believe, fict-Sean and Fantasy so convincing You Will suspend all disbelief.
Honestly, right now I have to suspend disbelief daily. Every One in Canada’s government with any influence or authority at all, knows I publish everything here and has known for a very long time. Since My very first Post, Truly. No One in the world knows Me better than Canada’s government because no One in the world has more inform a Sean about Me than Canada’s government! They know Me better than I do, and the same is True of just about every One. The only Quest-Ion is who exactly knows?
That’s the whole thing about the Power structure, everything is de-Part-mental-eyes’d – no individual State Actor can really know much about Me at all (theoretically, according to Canada’s privacy laws), no Ministry claims to know what any other Ministry knows because that would be a violation of private information sharing. At the same time, it is completely unrealistic to be thing King that Canada’s top intelligence agencies Will not know every single detail there is to know about Me. Unless of course Canada just has the worst intelligence agency in the world (it doesn’t, some say it’s better than the C.I.A. or F.B.I. and the only reason We don’t hear about it much is because they’re that Good). Again, not a reliable source, just random things I’ve heard and I don’t really know much about Canada’s intelligence agency, I don’t really care if they know everything about Me because I Truly have nothing to hide.
The point here is, whoever the Powers that Be are, they know exactly how smart I am. I did everything I could to fly under the radar in both elementary and high school. In fact, One of the only compliments I’ve received from My sister was when I was twenty, sitting in her car in My Mum’s driveway, and We had the following converse a Sean, paraphrasing as accuratuley as I can from memory considering I’m now fifty (I and fucking Love being fifty for some stupid reason! Not even joking, I’m as happy about being fifty as I was about being five when I was a child and I so remember looking to forward to that name day! I can even tell You I was in Scotland at the time. Shortly after, I would fly ‘home’ to Canada on a plane to start grade one after already completing primary one in Scotland (which is a year ahead to begin with). How many People can say that they got on a plane alone at five years old? No parental guidance, just a Promise My father would be there to greet Me when I arrived in Canada.
If You have never flown before, this might not sound like a big deal. But if You have flown before, You Will know that only the individual with the ticket passes the first gate. After that, I was on My own to find My plane and get on board – I’m five years old People!!! Having said that, once I got on the plane, I had a really hot flight attendant, and I knew it even at five years old. I was so excited about being five, I told every One! I even wore a red ‘badge’ or pin as I am thing King We Call them in Canada that read, ‘I AM 5!’. No joke, I am thing King I put that pin on every piece of clothing until I either lost it or turned six! That’s how much I Love the number five, and why I’m the Spirit of the Elephant – I remember shit that no One would ever be expecting Me to believe, and everything I am telling You about, there Will be a Record of so You know I’m not bullshitting You.
But that was a tangent, which is exactly what Freelance Friday’s are for! I can Rant about whatever I Wish, so My sister says to Me,
“Sean, do You think Mum and dad Will be disappointed if I decide I don’t Wish to become a veterinarian?”
“Tanja, if You don’t Wish to become a veterinarian, neither Mum nor dad would ever Wish for You to be one. Why don’t You Wish to be a veterinarian? I thought You were excited about this?”
“Sean, do You have any Idea what kind of courses I have to take? It’s like a doctor. I have a mandatory kinesiology course that requires Me to be able to do a flexed arm hand for 90 seconds by the end of the semester! Sean, I can’t do that!!! I can’t even do one second!!!”
“Tanja, if You really Wish to do this, You Will do it. You can do a flexed arm hang for ninety seconds if You Wish to have this. You don’t. You’re doing this because You are thing King it’s what Mum and Dad Wish for.”
“But it is, Sean! Dad Wished for Me to be a doctor, I knew that was too hard so I told him I was thing King about becoming a vet instead. But it’s just as hard, Sean! I can’t do it, You know how much I study to get the grades I get, and I still stuggle.”
“Tanja, forget about all of that, what is it YOU Wish to do?”
“Nursing. Sean, the course is so much easier, and You know My Friend, Lisa, the one You like (not romantically, I just thought she was the only genuine Friend My sister had – the rest just hung out with her because she’s pretty and popular with the boys as they say which makes them cool by associate-Sean – believe Me, nothing more annoying than hearing that from every Friend who ever met My sister!), she’s going to a college in the U.S. and I can get a Visa to go to school there if I register for the program. Do You think Mum and Dad Will be angry if I quit the program I’m in now?”
“Tanja, I can guarantee You that if You tell Mum and Dad that this is what You Wish to do more than anything else, they Will not have another thought about it. The only reason they told You that You could be a doctor if You Wish, is because it’s True – You can. But if You don’t Wish for it, You Will only make Your Self miserable.”
“Are You sure, Sean?”
“I’m 100% postitive.”
“Thank You. What about You, Sean? Why don’t You Wish to go to University? You could do this! Why don’t You try? School is so easy for You, why don’t You Wish to go? Why are You wasting You potential.”
“I have no interest in being a doctor. Anything else I Wish to be, I believe I can learn to be on My own, and I believe I can learn faster if I teach My Self whatever I Wish to learn.”
And that’s all I remember. But I dare You to go and be as King of My sister if that converse a Sean ever happened and I can tell You she Will confirm. One of two random events in My Life where I remember My sister Giving Me a compliment, though a close third for consider a Sean is My sister as King of Me to help her with an essay. Sadly, the teacher was genuinely a very difficult grader for an English teacher and even I struggled in his course and if he doesn’t like You, You’ll never do better than a 70 even if You awe Some.
So, I am rambling and ranting considerably this Fabulous Friday, but I also started drinking wine about half Way through this Post, and I’m in a Writing mode, so this could be a long one, and well worth the wait (Tragically Hip, ‘Long Time Running’ – Truth and Reconsilate-Sean Day, please Show respect for the trespasses upon the inherent rights of Canada’s indigenous People by the Canadian government and their determine Nation to deprive them of their cultural history and Spiritual trade a Sean’s. I can tell You as the Living Word of God that Sir Gordon, House of Downey Will Wish for You to pay Tribute (Spiritually, or ethically and morally if One is not a Religious or Spiritual Man) to the indigenous People of Canada that State Actors commit Acts of treason upon.
Wow!!! That’s quite an Edition, no? Well, We’re not done yet! The whole point of this whole Story and the Tangent of Inspire a Sean, is that as humble as I may Wish to be, I am some kind of genius, even if only an ‘idiot savante’ of Sorts. I have a Mind that is incomprehensible to most of Man’s kind, and I’ve always lived this Way. I’ve always understood the world in a Way most of Man’s kind Will not even be able to begin to understand, and the ‘Powers that Be’ (PTB from here on in, and I have no Idea who they are for this International Court of Record – I only know they know who I am, and enjoy be King (speaking) with Me in code). This is My ‘dot com’, My ‘Domain’, the main thing I am doing, and My address is Universe all, the World Wide Web, vondehnvisuals dot communicate Sean, the International Postal Record!!!\
Oh, if One only knew and understood the legal language I am be King… Oh, how much I sometimes Wish that the rest of the world over Stands (Highness, Light House, Illuminate-Sean, Lucifer) Magic the Way I do. Just Trust Me when I tell You that everything Christ did was Miraculous, Magical, Mystical. Majestic!!! All that Magic come from God, and it is the most Powerful Magic in Man’s Macrocosm!!!
I am Lucifer, the bringer of Light and I Will Give You the Golden Dawn. Doubt Me? Oh, I’m even more Powerful than Crowley, and he was the Inspire a Sean behind Hitler!!! Doubt Me? Read 777 and consider that it was a Letter to Hitler who in Great Desperate Sean and an unsatiable Lust for Power, believed he was the One. Hilarious, no?
Yes, Ladies and Gentile Men, Lords and Ladies of Your House, I am Lucifer, Love Me or hate Me. I’m not Christ, I’m the anti-Christ, Friend of God, Friend of Satan (because I get to Hand all the Sinners over to Satan, and Satan Loves Me for it, and so does God – he did Give Dominion over the under world (Babylon) to Satan). Satan gets to torture all those who are Judged by Lucifer. Oh, You were thing King that Lucifer is Satan!? No wonder You all hate Me so much!!!
No, I am Lucifer, the bringer of Light, the Light House on the Bank of Commercial Admiralty! I’m more competent with respect to managing a Sovereign Nation than any One in Canada’s government, any State Actor currently on the world Stage for Canada. On that, I Give You My Word.
The reason I’m so… Bouisterous, is because it doesn’t really Matter to Me what the City of Ottawa does with respect to the Defualt Judgment awarded against them, the only reason I’m really concerned is because it was the other Beneficiary of the Public Trust whose rights were violated that concerns Me th most! I can wait, I know they know how competent and ‘tough’ I am – I can put up with bullshit. But I Will Keep a Record knowing I Will hold You accountable one day.
But I cannot in Good conscience rest when I know another Beneficiary of the Public Trust was wronged and they were trying to cover it up to avoid accountability. So I am finally as King of Chatherine Wood of the Ottawa Police Service to ignore My complaints as long as they Wish, please just ensure that the other Beneficiary who was wronged receieves compensate-Sean.
Alright, this is already a long one and lots of very high level (Highness) Secret, Occulted Know-Ledge, so thank King You for being here, whichever kind of Man One might be.
Love and Blessings,
Post Scripture:
Today’s feature photo is My Trust Port-folio (for passing Ports) that I’m war King on Brushing up before October 23rd when I Will be worth milions on top of what I am owed by the City of Ottawa and why I don’t really care what they do about My Part of the Claim/Appeal.
Love and Blessings,
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