Hello every One and welcome to the Fabulous Friday Free Lance Edition where I wield My Words fearlessly, cutting through the corruption and contempt of State Actors exploiting Canada’s Beneficiaries for their own nefarious entertainment. As always, thank King or Queen You for being here, it is always a tremendous Honour to have the Gift of Your Presence in My House.
Well, I didn’t publish a Post yesterday despite having lots of Good News to share with You. Clara Freier was (once again) placed on Notice of Criminal Liability for malicious breach of a Trust Instrument on file with their office and Canada’s MOJAG (Minister of Justice and Attorney General).
For those of You who may think I’m a tyrant Wishing to put People away for a long time for their criminal conduct, it is important to know that in My final Notice to Clara Freier I advise her that if she does not have a legal or lawful excuse for her trespass, I Will FORGIVE all criminal charges and request only CIVIL remedy. I offered Clara Freier IMMUNITY from criminal prosecution on the condition that she acknowledges she is not above the Law, and that the Trustee Act is binding upon her and her agents at Ontario Works, and endeavour to Honour My Trust Instrument TODAY!
Considering the criminal charges Clara is facing, I thought that was a pretty generous offer. This is what Canada’s Criminal Code has to say about Clara’s trespasses – and it’s not something she’s learning for the first time…
One would think that when One knows what Canada’s Criminal Code has to say about their ‘perception’ that the Trustee Act of Ontario is not binding upon them that they would immediately cease and desist the trespasses and Honour the Trust Instrument. That is in fact the entire purpose to placing One on Notice – to advise them what the law has to say about their trespasses so that One can correct the behaviour. If the individual chooses NOT cease and desist after they have been advised that their actions are criminal according to Canadian Law, it is presumed the individual is proceeding with CRIMINAL INTENT to cause harm (because they can no longer plead ignorance of Canada’s Criminal Code but choose to persist anyway). Either the individual believes they are above the Law, or they just don’t care that their actions are criminal. Clara is actually aggravating her own criminality. The longer she pleads ignorance and shows contempt for the Rule of Law, the longer her sentence Will be for aggravated harm.
And that’s exactly what Clara Freier does.
Once again, trying to characterize Notices of Criminal Liability as ‘inappropriate, frivolous and vexatious conduct’.
This is actually ‘Good’ for Me because Clara Freier is actually acknowledging that she has been Noted in Default, ‘Nihil Dicit, Res Judicata’ for criminal breach of the public Trust while failing to provide her lawful excuse for trespass upon the Testamentary Instrument on file with her office. She still hasn’t put the money they stole in the Beneficiary’s account, has not even responded to apologize or tell Me when the error Will be corrected. This is just further EVIDENCE of GASLIGHTING which the Superior Courts do acknowledge as being a form of emotional and psychological abuse by a State Actor. You can respond to tell Me My emails are inappropriate, but can’t explain why I was unlawfully deprived medical benefits? CONTEMPT!!! And INFURIATING. Tall King with Clara Freier is like tall King to a plant (except tall King with plants is actually more satisfying).
So the only thing We can do is advise Clara that her notice is inappropriate and Will not be tolerated, and is not a reasonable excuse for ignoring My inquiries regarding her legal obligations to Me as a public Trustee with a Testamentary Instrument on file with her office. So We sent a Notice to cease and desist their criminal trespasses immediately.
Not sure why it’s Signed twice, but better than not signed at all.
And although the main reason I’m complaining to LECA (Law Enforcement Complaints Agency) is for the fraudulent charges Dawn the Delinquent Neilly and Kimberly the Deplorable Duggan are attempting to bring against Me in a TRAFFIC COURT, I’m also complaining to them because the Ottawa police service in general appear to be either entirely corrupt or entirely incompetent. I’ve complained to the Ottawa Police of Clara Freier criminal trespass upon a Trust Instrument and they do NOTHING!
I’m curious to know how many serious criminal trespasses LECA Will witness and do nothing? I should be able to produce these Notices to ANY police agency and have these People arrested if they are not above the Law. The evidence is self explanatory, and the ‘accused’ individual (Clara Freier) is not protesting the charges or providing any lawful excuse for her actions. It’s clear that she is acting with contempt and with intent to cause harm and further harass an already aggravated situation. Her lawyer, Genevieve Langlais aids and abets her fraud, empowering her to believe that the Trustee Act of Ontario does not apply to the public Trustees in the City of Ottawa.
So I forwarded Clara’s inappropriate email to Me to LECA for review and to further demonstrate Clara’s contempt for the People she was Trusted to SERVE.
Notice of Liability is in fact the first due process of Law in any Common Law Jurisdiction. The intent (and reason for this) is to advise the other party that they believe they have had wrongdoing done to them by the other party, and to advise what the law has to say related to their wrongdoing. This is to Give the opposing party an opportunity to correct the wrongdoing, presuming innocence and negligence, rather than malicious intent. If the other party does NOT respond in reasonable time, it is presumed they are guilty because any Honourable individual would Wish to clear their name. If One does not respond, the Law presumes they are guilty by default. That is precisely why One can be as King of a Court to note defendents in default if they don’t respond within the twenty (or 30 with a Notice of Intent to Defend) days provided by the Rules of Civil Procedure. The Law presumes that this is what CIVILIZED People Will do.
Clara the Criminal Freier is only demonstrating that she is UNCIVILIZED, incapable of responding appropriately to a Notice of Liability for Criminal Breach of a Trust Instrument with malicious intent, suggesting it is ‘inappropriate’ to advise her that her actions are criminal and subject to serious jail time. I’m not the one making threats of jail time, I’m simply telling Clara Freier what Canada’s Criminal Code has to say about her conduct. If she CHOOSES to double down on the criminal conduct, there is no reason I should not be able to take the notice to the police, show that she was duly served, and that she is continuing to trespass without a lawful excuse. That SHOULD BE sufficient grounds to have her arrested, especially when her contempt for the Rule of Law and Canada’s Criminal Code is witnessed by several impartial, public observers (the CBC’s Arthur White-Crummey, journalist, and Cathy Curry, City Councillor for the City of Ottawa).
I’m Showing Clara what My legal rights are according to the Trustee Act of Ontario and Canada’s Criminal Code, and she is choosing to ignore the Law. Ignorance is no excuse for the Law. She is also doing it with clear intent to further aggravate the situation and antagonize Me.
That is the reason it was sent to LECA because part of My complaint to LECA is that I can’t just call the police right now and have this UNCIVILIZED SAVAGE who believes she is above the Law arrested for her malicious intent to trespass upon Me and cause Me as much economic harm and duress as she possibly can in violation of My rights.
The real reason they hate Me so much is because I’m smarter than all of them and their lawyers. The only hope they have now it to cheat Me out of due process by not filing documents onto the Registry and engaging in fraud. The Crown Law reception office was kind enough to confirm receipt.
So ‘the Crown’ knows what’s going on, let’s see if the police decide to do anything about all of this criminal conduct perpetrated by Clara the Criminal Freier and minions at Ontario Works.
We are getting to a point of critical mass. This entire fraud Will explode in the face of My siblings and their liars posing as lawyers eventually – and I’m beginning to think it Will now be sooner than later.
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