Trudeau’s got so many tricks he won’t be needing any treats this Halloween. You know, I like to be fair, so I don’t Wish call Trudeau out for manipulating mainstream media if it isn’t True. But when the Words are coming out of his own mouth, not even the Donald could Trump Trudeau’s arrogance. Watch Canada’s national leader brag about how he bribed the media with six hundred million dollars of the Canadian People’s money.
And just so You know, I’m not the only one as King Quest Ion’s about Trudeau’s treasonous motives, CBC News is also tall King about how Canada’s People are opposed to government spending their hard earned tax dollars to manipulate mainstream media, and You can read their report here.
And People wonder why I do not Wish to be ‘subject’ to this fraudulent government? I may actually look into charging Trudeau with treason but don’t quote Me on that because I’ve got a few other things I’m war King on right now. Winter is coming, which means Canadian’s are going to be freezing to death in the streets because of the governments negligence with respect to their duty of care for Canada’s citizenry.
Frankly, this kind of news makes Me ill to My stomach; it’s not just the fact that he’s manipulating the vote with mainstream media, but he is blatantly laughing about it! Wasn’t boxing some One his first publicity stunt? (Rhetorical, it was). I’d Love to step in a ring with this man child right now, but I have a feeling he’s going to dig his own grave, at least politically speaking, despite his attempts to influence the media. Any honourable individual in Trudeau’s position would step down NOW!
I apologize for the recent rants, but this kind of behaviour infuriates Me! They call this man a leader? He’s a five year old trapped in a man’s body.
Love and Blessings,
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Sing in the voice of freedom and allow the change to be
It is the symbol of goodness , progress is going to be ,
Know the truth to set you free,
Our eternity is a key ,
Have a good insight for all to see, God bless Lebanon symbolized by a Cedars tree …
God bless the world to improve
AND FOR transparency and justice we agree…
Blessings are abundant like a sea ,
Sing in the voice of freedom and allow the change to be
It is the symbol of goodness , progress is going to be ,
Know the truth to set you free,
Our eternity is a key ,
Have a good insight for all to see, God bless Lebanon symbolized by a Cedars tree …
God bless the world to improve
AND FOR transparency and justice we agree…
Blessings are abundant like a sea ,
I hope the protests in Lebanon are having a positive impact, Brother. Thanks for the comments.