Hello every One, and welcome to the Witches, Wizards and Warlocks ‘Lucky’ Wednesday Edition which is proving especially True to its name today! Thank King all of You Magical beings for joining Me, I have a Truly exciting edition for You today and something of an explanation for My absence again yesterday.
First, I Wish to explain My absence yesterday because I had Truly made a commitment to Self to try to Write a daily Post for thirty consecutive days and Post another V for Vendetta Edition that I am genuinely looking forward to finishing. Unfortunately, My sleep has been really wonky lately and I was trying to get back on track by pulling an all-nighter and going to bed at a reasonable time Tuesday night. I was also hoping to hear back from the city of Ottawa yesterday and it always interferes with My ability to concentrate, so I didn’t Wish to Write My Post until after five o’clock (because the workday is officially over and I no longer expect to hear anything). And, just to top everything off, I decide to do My weekly Google search of mortgage listings to make sure nobody’s trying to sell My estate behind My back and You’re not going to believe what I found. Or maybe You Will…

Look at how many real estate agents received the listing! Although one of the Google entries above reads August 26th, the actual listing said it was placed on the market on September 3rd. Can You Imagine how I felt when I saw this? My first thought was, ‘really?! And who am I going to have to place on Notice now?”.
I really am getting tired of it. Who could be behind this and more importantly, how?! Presumably, if the state is ‘acting’ as guardian for the citizen under parentis patria, then My father’s estate (commercial estate, the artificial legal person) would presumably be held in Trust by the state (Canada/Ontario/government) until the rightful heir(s) and beneficiaries are established, and power of attorney over the estate is officially determined. Again, nothing should be taking place with My father’s estate without proper Notice to all interested parties. Even more interesting for Me, is that I told Noah Potechin I believed the property to worth somewhere between $150,000.00 and $200,000.00, and I believed I was being reasonably conservative in My estimate. It was placed on the market for $225,000.00 as is!!!
So what do You think I did? I Cast a couple more Magical Spells.
Tue, Sep 7, 8:49 AM
Hi Jenny,
I am the rightful owner of the property You have listed. I need to know how You acquired power of attorney to sell this property without My Notice. Last time I checked, there was an outstanding mortgage on the property which I paid to Merovitz Potechin LLP for their client, National Bank.
I need to hear back from You as soon as possible, including the status of the mortgage (line of credit outstanding on the property).
Thank You,
Sean von Dehn,
King Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God,
Unfortunately, I made a typo in the address of the subject line, so it read 1080 Hewitt and I didn’t notice until later. Obviously, I had to follow up to make the correction and decided to add a few other thoughts I’d had during the interim.
Sep 7, 2021, 10:40 AM
Hi Jenny,
My apologies, in My haste to Write You I didn’t notice I had made a typo in the address of the property. We are tall King about 1070 Hewitt St., Gravenhurst. I hold the Supreme Claim of Right upon My father’s estate, and this property is part of My father’s estate. My father (Joachim Heinrick von Dehn) died intestate, and I am the rightful heir and Acting as Executor of My father’s Trust to Mind the business of Our House. Any amount You sell this property for rightfully belongs to Me, as does the deed to the land.
Realistically, Merovitz Potechin and Noah Potechin specifically are liable to Me, I do not Wish for any more People to be involved than necessary, but I am informing You that there is a Supreme Claim of Right upon this property and I Will ‘buy’ this property that is rightfully mine to begin with. I Will accept Your offer for $225,000.00 CA for Value in Honour, and am as King of You to discharge the Value [of that interest] against any further outstanding commercial obligations left behind by My father related to this property.
This offer of acceptance for Value Will also be published on the International Public Record at www.vondehnvisuals.com. Other details regarding this Estate can be found on the Public Notices Page, and the von Dehn family Manor Roll.
I look forward to hearing from You as soon as possible. Within 24 hours Will be appreciated.
Sean von Dehn,
King Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God,
(legal and lawful private counsel for the legal entity, ‘Sean von Dehn’)
Needless to say, I was not very impressed to have not heard back from this real estate agent right away, as it is natural to presume they are going to respond very quickly. They actually made the place look pretty nice for the online photos (compared to when I last saw it), and they appear to have done a considerable amount of work clearing out the actual home. I’m curious to know what they have done with all of the stuff? At any rate, I can’t show You how nice they made it look because the listing has since been removed.

And removed from the Mortgage Listing System today, apparently. But yeah, placing People on Notice is a waste of time (sarcastic, though I am thing King some People think so). So this Will be another side project for Me to investigate because the real estate agent Will certainly have some kind of information and it was what is called a ‘sold firm’ sale. What does that mean? The buyer has 15 days to inspect the property for structural issues and that sort of thing, after that the sale is unconditionally final and without recourse ‘as is’. Why? Well, I can’t be sure, but I’m reasonably confident it’s because they knew it’s a property they don’t have any lawful right to sell.
The point to this and why it is absolutely criminal, is that Merovitz Potechin knows I hold the superior claim of right upon this property, knows that I hold the primary interest in the property and even if he did have ‘legal’ (though could never be lawful) grounds to sell the property to recover the outstanding mortgage, he would still have a duty and responsibility to inform all interested parties (which would include My brother and sister) that the sale is taking place, how much it is on the market for, and how much each of the beneficiaries Will receive from the sale. These are legal obligations of the individual acting as power of attorney – they must provide full transparency of all matters regarding the assets of the estate.

At least it’s been removed from the market again for now. I really do not Wish to be compelled to file another Statement of Claim while I’m still in the middle of this one. Speaking of which, this is the email I sent to defense counsel this morning.
7:37 AM, Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
Good morning, I am confirming receipt of Your attached email dated Sep. 2nd. You said you will get back to Me early this week. I perceive Monday or Tuesday to be early in the week (Wednesday is midweek, and Thursday or Friday would be late in the week). I need to know when I can expect to hear from You and what information You Will be presenting to oppose this motion. I need to Trust You Will respond to Me when You say You Will and do as You say You Will do.
I need to hear from You as soon as possible, and once again, I require honesty and transparency from You moving forward. If You can’t do that, I Will also be as King of the court to have You removed as the lawyer of record for the city.
Thank You,
Sean von Dehn,
King Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God,
On Her Majesty’s Service
What I find rather interesting here, is that I legitimately believe defense counsel knows she is in hot water and got caught red handed (hands Will do that if One keeps them in hot water too long). I am basically expecting defense counsel to continually ignore the issue of fraud and perjury. You Will notice they never address that point. And although they assert that the judge’s determination is final, the city’s senior legal counsel, Jeremy Wright is taking over as the lawyer of Record tasked with responding to a Motion that allegedly can’t be heard. It’s an interesting legal strategy for sure. I have to admit, it was also somewhat comforting to know that they have put another lawyer on this case. My belief, is that if Genevieve is not guilty of fraud and perjury on the Court of Record, she would not remove herself. She was told to step down (that’s My belief People – not a fact)>
10:04 AM, Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
Good morning Mr. von Dehn,
I have assumed carriage of this matter and will serve a Notice of Change of Lawyer shortly. I confirm the City’s earlier communication that the City will be opposing your motion. Again, I repeat the City’s position that Justice Gomery’s decision has dismissed your claim and is a final Order. It is the City’s position that accordingly your motion has no legal basis.
Could you please confirm that your materials are complete and final, so that the City can respond to them. It appears you have brought your motion in writing and the City is content to proceed in that manner.
Jeremy Wright
And We know how I Love to be addressed as ‘Mr.’, don’t We?
12:37 PM, Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
Good morning, Mr. Wright,
Perhaps You like the prefix Mr. before Your name but I do not. If You Wish to address Me by My proper, Common name, it’s ‘Sean’. If You have read My email Motion to the Court, You Will know I don’t appreciate the prefix ‘Mr.’, so to do so deliberately with knowledge of these facts is discourteous at best. Am I to presume the offense was not deliberate?
I can’t tell You if My materials are complete and final until I know what Your opposing arguments are. I was not anticipating that Genevieve would oppose the Motion because it absolves her of perjury on the Court of Record. You have not disputed the false, incomplete, and deliberately misleading testimony defense counsel presented to the judge. Are You asserting that You believe fraud and perjury are admissible on a Court of Record? I would like You to answer that question directly, please.
Defense counsel also violated Rule 1.09 at least three times, interfering with My right to a fair and impartial hearing. So, as far as the ‘legal basis’ for this Motion to be heard, it is provided for by Rule 2.01(1)b of the Rules of Civil Procedure which states:
“only where and as necessary in the interest of justice, may set aside the proceeding or a step, document or order in the proceeding in whole or in part.”
Yes, I am asserting that fraud and perjury are not admissible on a Court of Record at any time, so it must be stricken from the Record in the best Interest of justice and the reputation of the Courts; criminal actions are incongruent with the concept of justice and the Rule of Law. I have looked into it and what defense counsel did is a criminal offense in Canada.
You mention You believe the Motion has no ‘legal’ basis. I have some specific questions for You:
- Are You suggesting there is a ‘legal basis’ for the fraudulent testimony of defense counsel, and that fraudulent testimony under penalty of perjury is acceptable on a Court of Record in Ontario?
- Are You suggesting that fraud and perjury are not reasonable grounds to Vacate the Order in accordance with Rule 2.01(1)b?
- Why do You believe the Rules of Civil Procedure should not apply in this case?
- What jurisdiction of Law do You believe We are in?
Once You respond to these questions directly, I’ll have a more informed opinion as to whether or not My Motion materials are final. These emails and Your response to these arguments Will be critical in determining how I move forward, and Will be added as additional exhibits for My Motion Record. I’m trying to resolve this with You amicably and if You can explain to Me why fraud and perjury should be acceptable in this particular case and I am reasonably convinced by Your arguments, I may choose to retract the Motion. I believe You are trying to navigate around the Issue of the previous defense counsel’s fraudulent testimony by ignoring the issue and pretending like it didn’t happen, or that it isn’t a big deal. I also believe that is why You are taking over.
Again, I had no Idea defense counsel would Wish to oppose the Motion because it absolves her of her crime, I’m quite happy to forgive and forget, but not at the expense of My opportunity for a fair and impartial hearing. It’s very difficult for Me to Trust the city, so I don’t Wish to leave You with an open ended opportunity to present another fraudulent document to the Court I have no opportunity to rebut. Civil matters are not supposed to be about ambush tactics, communicate with Me like a civil Man. Tell Me how You’re getting around the fraud and perjury.
Thank You, I look forward to Your response to these questions at Your earliest convenience.
Sean von Dehn,
King Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God.
Could I be any more clear about what I am as King of defense counsel to answer? But they can’t answer a question directly, watch Jeremy dance around the question again…
Hello Sean,
Thank you for the email and I am happy to address you as Sean if that is your preference.
Can you please confirm to me what materials you are relying upon and have filed with the Court in support of your motion. I can then prepare my materials to respond to your motion, which will enable you to fully understand my position. If necessary, you can then reply to my materials.
Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.
Good afternoon, Jeremy,
I have already shared all of the materials I have presented to the Court in support of My Motion with You so far. You can find the Notice of Motion here, and the Motion itself, here. Both of these documents have been provided to You in previous emails. The Motion is rather long if You are hoping to address each point made, I very explicitly asked You four questions in My last email and indicated to You that if You can clearly answer those questions, You can save Us both a lot of time. My belief is that there is no argument You can make that justifies making false, misleading testimony to a judge with intent to influence justice – I believe that is fraud under penalty of perjury and a serious ethics violation if not a criminal offense. So if You can answer those four questions, I think that Will save Us (and the courts) a lot of time. As I mentioned in My previous email, the fact that You seem to be dancing around this Issue concerns Me. Again, these are the questions I have for You:
- Are You suggesting there is a ‘legal basis’ for the fraudulent testimony of defense counsel, and that fraudulent testimony under penalty of perjury is acceptable on a Court of Record in Ontario?
- Are You suggesting that fraud and perjury are not reasonable grounds to Vacate the Order in accordance with Rule 2.01(1)b?
- Why do You believe the Rules of Civil Procedure should not apply in this case?
- What jurisdiction of Law do You believe We are in?
My Motion materials Will include Your response to these four questions specifically, so I am eagerly awaiting Your response to them so I can add them to My Motion record before filing it with the Court.
Thanks again, I look forward to hearing from You as soon as possible.
Sean von Dehn,
King Sean,
House of von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
Kingdom of God,
(On Her Majesty’s Service)
Anyway, People… Twenty-eight hundred Words You read this Wonderfully ‘Lucky’ Wednesday! I applaud You, really. But generally speaking, this is all Good news. The mortgage listing was almost immediately removed and defense counsel has effectively been fired as far as I’m concerned. I Will also suggest it is the first ‘correct’ move the city has made regarding this Statement of Claim.
Love and Blessings,
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