Hello every One and welcome to the Tell a Vision Tuesday Edition of the Good News Journal where I am usually tall King about a film or tell a Vision program, though today I Will be painting a picture of the wealth of God’s Kingdom as We continue war King to Ward the Golden Dawn. There Will be a Golden Dawn for Man’s kind in the very near future and today I am going to be Showing You why.
‘Heaven’s Kingdom Trust Company’ is the Official name of the Organize a Sean on The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean’s Trust ledger under property held by the ‘House von Dehn Titles and Holding Company’, and it (or any other business Idea) ‘Officially’ (legally and lawfully) exists the moment it is expressed. (If the name is already taken I might have a problem somewhere down the road but I doubt it very much.)
Of course, I hope every One benefits from this Post, but I especially hope that My long term audience and the Special Friends in My Microcosm pay very close attention to this Post because it may well be one of the most Significant and Valuable Posts I Will ever publish – and it concerns manifesting wealth, Real wealth, Silver and Gold!!!
My business plan is so Good, People Will wonder why no One has done it before. What Will I be offering members of Heaven’s Kingdom Trust Company? Well, Silver and Gold in exchange for fiat dollars at market value!!!
Because I’m always tall King about how the money People are using is fiction and doesn’t represent any Real Value, what better Way to demonstrate this fact and Show People how a Trust actually operates, than teach a course that allows members to purchase Shares of Real (physical) Silver and Gold at market Value?
If One knows and understands how Valuable precious metals are in times of economic decline, One likely understands just how costly it can be to get into these markets especially during times of economic decline (to put it politely).
The first disclaimer I should probably make, is that the business plan is founded upon a base Value of Gold and Silver of $2500 and $25 per ounce respectively. Currently, Gold and Silver are worth $2001.00 and $24.33 respectively.
The problem is, if One is buying stocks there is the cost of a broker and whatever trading fees, if One is buying physical Gold and Silver, shipping and storage are expensive unless One Wishes to hire bodyguards and buy a vault to keep the stuff at home. It is Truly the best investment One can make, even better than land (for it’s dollar value) but it just really isn’t practical for People to invest in unless One has substantial wealth to begin with because (just for example) if I were to order a single ounce of Silver, it would cost Me over fifty dollars!
The Heaven’s Trust Company Will cover all fees associated with acquiring and storing the physical gold and silver, but members (shareholders) of the Trust Will always be the True owners of its wealth (unless they Give up their shares). Technically, the Trust can never go broke or suffer economic decline because even if every shareholder claimed their share, if the Trust doesn’t have enough liquidated assets (cash/promises to pay backed by nothing) to satisfy the redemption of a Certificate, it CAN be redeemed for Silver or Gold! The investment is not imaginary in any Way, the Gold and Silver actually belong to the shareholder and represents a warehoused Value of physical property.
I’ve thoroughly researched all the figures now and even if One purchases $10,000 worth of precious metals (Silver in this example) at once (‘micro-bulk’) it only purchases at 65% of the Value, or $6569.00 (that’s after market increase, shipping et cetera) (270oz of 400oz for 10k @ 25/ounce even). So how can I possibly promise to offer shares of physical Gold and Silver holdings at market value if the cost to purchase is so high?
Well, that’s what makes the Plan so genius, ladies and gentlemen, Kings and Queens!
The whole Idea started because a very Good Friend in My Microcosm has been as King of Me to dedicate some time to teaching him what I know about Trust Law and managing wealth. He was also as King of Me just recently why I don’t just go to a bank and open an account for the Trust so that I can Show him how all of these things work with a practical example.
That is an excellent Quest-Ion. And that’s exactly what I said to My Friend, imploring him to be as King of him Self why I might not Wish to do such a thing.
Unfortunately, the answer wasn’t as obvious as I thought it would be until I was as King of My Friend what Trudeau did to the accounts of People he didn’t like from the Freedom Convoy. What does a bank actually do?
See, many People are thing King that banks are where People go to borrow money, which they perceive to be wealth. It’s not. And not just figuratively, I mean it’s legitimately worth nothing inherently. A dollar might buy a dollar’s worth of food today, and ninety cents worth of food as soon as tomorrow if a sale happens to end. If the dollar’s buying power goes down ten cents, the value of silver and gold go up by the same relative measure.
Banks do not, and never have loaned wealth. They are just legalized loan sharks!!! They literally create money out of thin air based on whatever paper One Gives them to put on their ledger that represents something of Real Value. Now, in some cases it may very well just be One’s life force energy, but the bank can only Issue credit that represents a measure of One’s Real wealth (or at least the wealth they have provided to the bank to secure the loan).
I actually have a Trust ledger with a number of Trust assets listed on it with their estimated Value in Silver. I am thing King the Good Green Thumb Nursury is worth somewhere around 30 ounces of Silver now, and My Art Exhibit-Sean has a base Value of one ounce of Gold (for example).
My Friend is correct, I could take these documents and instruments to a bank and be as King to set up a Trust account with these assets on My ledger and they might even Issue credit based on those assets at a reasonable dollar Value. The problem is, they would always be subject to dictator #TrudeauTreason, and I doubt very much that they would Honour many of the documents (reciepts) I would be adding to My Treasury as deposits. The bank needs to accept financial obligations of the Trust as having real value to deposit onto the ledger. Although this is legitimately what the elite do, the banks are also their ‘home’ and they do not Wish for Me to Play on their turf, so they Will take a lot of INTEREST in what the Trust is doing.
I AM the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory – a bank; I can Issue as much credit to My Self as I Wish anytime, and I’m going to be doing just that to set up the Heaven’s Kingdom Trust Company. It is specifically with intent to allow the little People who don’t have a lot of cash to get started with micro investments in precious metals, and teach them how to use those assets to set up a Trust of their own.
I can’t Give the whole business plan away just yet, but do stay tuned because more details Will be revealed as I get closer to releasing an official launch date. What I can tell You, is that membership Will be limited to 400 shareholders (4000 shares) or less depending on how many shares People buy. Shares Will be $2.50 per share, Will be Sold in Blocks of ten for $25., and Will include a course that teaches every One how the Trust is guaranteed to succeed, and how all the operations of the Trust function – everything from Issuing credit, shares, certificates, promises to pay, redemption of Certificates, and how to any One can set up a similar Trust of their own.
I guess it could just as easily be called a precious metals micro investment company, but the Idea is to teach the Common Man how to manage a proper Estate Treasury, and potentially even teach state Actors why a Sovereign nation is never in debt. A Sovereign nation’s wealth Will always increase if managed responsibly.
One of the reasons the Trust is guaranteed to succeed, is because it Will never decrease in Value because it Will never have less wealth on the ledger – although shares Will be worth their dollar Value in Gold or Silver at the time or redemption, and although the physical gold or silver Will exist in a vault somewhere, the physical Silver and Gold Will never leave the Trust.
A Certificate worth the dollar Value of the shares at the time of Redemption Will be Issued instead, OR physical cash if there is sufficient liquidated cash on hand (which there always should be when One comprehends the full business model). Now that the share has been returned and redeemed for Value, it is now available for another shareholder to buy (so I would recover whatever I just sold it for anyway). But this example specifically Will Give members and Shareholders an opportunity to comprehend the Value of the course it Self because this is exactly how ‘Certified’ cheques work. The cheque is in exchange for a certificate that represents Real wealth worth x$. So People who take the course Will Truly begin to understand how banking actually works.
Well, I guess it’s too late to be a Tuesday or a Two’s day, so We’ll have to call this One a ‘too’s day for ‘too late’.
Love and Blessings,
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