Hello every One and welcome to a very short but hopefully Inspire a Sean all Post if One is interested in furthering One’s Education. I also have another video from one of My favourite YouTuber’s, Viva Frei, which is also the Inspire a Sean behind today’s Post and why it Will so short! As always, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, Your Presence is a Treasured Gift in My Keep.
Let Me start with today’s video because I do Love sharing Good inform a Sean, and there are a few little details I especially like about today’s Viva Present a Sean. One such interesting and seemingly insignificant detail is that he notices the number of People watching is frozen at ‘666’ – there are no coincidences, and this is just One of those examples of virtually every One (at least in western society that I know of) knows that ‘666’ is the Sign of Satan, ‘the Beast’. Aliester Crowley was known as ‘the Beast – 666’ in Magical circles of Secret Societies (and more publicly in the last eighty years or so).
It’s a great video, I enjoy watching Viva more and more all the time, in the above video he even mentions that he can’t fully speak his Mind on YouTube ‘because I’m on enough watch lists already’!
Until One starts questioning the mainstream media propaganda campaign, it is probably difficult for People to comprehend just how easy it is to be on a government watch list – it would almost be insulting to not be on one with the Trudeau treason taking place in Canada right now!
I have no Idea how long I’ve been on one, but I now know it was sometime long before I was unlawfully arrested in Toronto in 2008. I Imagine it started when I occupied the Vancouver Art Gallery, or when I published My Book, ‘A Prophecy for Peace’ – I know for sure that’s enough to put Me on a watch list because they were suggesting My Book was terrorist propaganda. Yeah, that’s not a joke – at all!!! They treated Me like I was the most dangerous individual they’d ever met, it was crazy. If People saw what the RCMP and Ottawa Police Service did to the peaceful trucker protestors, One Will have a vague Idea. And just like those four People in Couts, if I didn’t consent to allow a lawyer speak for Me (I was as King to Present My Self to the Judge directly), they were threatening to leave Me in jail indefinitely – and even though I was as King to consent under duress, they refused to accept My consent under duress. So I finally consented just to get out, had no Idea what I had even been charged with!
The point is, they (whomever ‘they’ are) knew enough about Me even back then to know that the last thing these policy officers Wished to do was let Me Present My Self to a Judge and speak! I didn’t know anything about the legal fiction back then, but I knew My rights – and I had a list of violate Sean’s to Present to a Judge if Given the opportunity – so the police made damn sure I didn’t get that opportunity.
But this is the Real reason I’m so excited today and the Inspire a Sean I received from Viva’s last video, which also comes a day after telling My Friend that if I could just take courses online for free, I would probably be permanently enrolled, as it is the perfect part for My Character to Play as an eternal student of the Universe.
Today, Hillsdale University is Viva Frei’s paid sponsor, and We know I don’t believe in coincidences. Above is the first course recommended for Me, so I’m officially enrolled and Plan on listening to the first lecture after I complete this Post, then checking out the rest of the courses they offer to see what else I Wish to take. I was skeptical that the courses may not be available in Canada, or that only part of the course would be free, but the entire college is dedicated to making education free, supporting My communist Ideology. (Viva incorrectly describes the New York judge’s ruling as a ‘communist’ act – the truckers boycotting New York because the judge didn’t do his job is communism – a community of We the People defending their constitution, and the only thing their government was Trusted to ensure the protection of.)
I’m also sharing My welcome email because I am hoping that You Will consider furthering Your Educate Sean, too!
I consider this ‘paying it forward’ because knowledge is Power, and One can never have too much know-ledge. The higher the level of know-ledge, the greater One’s Highness in Deed.
Love and Blessings,
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