Happy Lucky Wednesday everyone!!! This Wednesday is Lucky because I have a lot of pretty Wild News to share.
I’ll start with a Link to a Blog Post that I Writ last Saturday. In the comment section it reads, “I will have Your art at the front desk of anchorage this Wednesday evening.”
The gravatar reads Lee Chi Wei, though I have only ever heard him called ‘Mr. Lee’. The comment is in reply to My request to retrieve three paintings that were presumably left in his care after the last art exhibit hosted by the Salvation Army, the same event I recently Writ about when I first met Caroline, the Salvation Army’s public relations officer. Mr. Lee came to anchorage today and was not able to locate the paintings, at the moment they are missing in action.
The problem here, is that two of these painting are very important to My campaign; the portraits of the Queen and the Pope are missing, Jack White is the third, which was My personal favourite of those left in My collection.
The secondary issue is Mr. Lee’s response to the loss of My art. Anchorage was great about looking in the usual places where they typically store artwork. After not being able to find it anywhere, I as King of the other art instructor for anchorage to e-mail Mr. Lee and find out if he may have placed them somewhere else as he had said he would Keep them safe for Me and may have taken them home. I also did as King of her to be sure to e-mail Me a copy of the e-mail sent to Mr. Lee so that I could have a record of the correspondence, then I left her My contact details. The comment is the only record I have of the communication. Now You know everything I do about the situation.
And, Speaking of no coincidences, I had a difficult time remembering when the art exhibition was held, so I decided to as King of Google God if it had any record of a Salvation Army art exhibit and this is what I found!!! At least I now have an accurate Record of when they were last seen.

To make a dramatic and long story short, I Will just say that Mr. Lee no longer works at anchorage and got very aggressive with Me, as King of Me if I am suggesting he stole them, which I did not do. He ended up storming away, cursing and saying that he did steal My paintings. I had said something about being disappointed they had disappeared as I had trusted him to take care of them or e-mail if he needed Me to collect them. Storage space is very limited for Me and Mr. Lee had said he was planning more art exhibitions in the spring or summer and as King of Me if I would be interested in showing them. I had said yes and he as King of Me if it would be helpful for Me to have him store them for Me until the spring/next exhibition, after I had explained My challenges with respect to storing My paintings. Mr. Lee denies the conversation ever happened, and claims he did not have any contact information for Me.
Needless to say, it is My Word against Mr. Lee’s and there is no paper trail of any agreements. I don’t even have a record of the call or e-mail that was made to Mr. Lee to reclaim My Work. He was so kind to Me at the art show that his behaviour did seem entirely out of character and I’m not sure what to make of that. For now, the fact is that two very important pieces of My campaign are now missing in action. I am still cautiously optimistic that someone who knew how important they are to Me has put them somewhere safe.
The Truth is, I don’t believe Mr. Lee would steal My paintings, it doesn’t make any sense; but it did seem very suspicious to Me that he would suggest he did. I really don’t see him stealing them to resell, and it’s not like he could ever hang them on his own wall. However, if they were left in an area where too many people have access, someone who doesn’t know who painted them (or in some cases, even some who do) might consider stealing them if they figured they could get a few quick bucks for them. Someone has actually tried to sell My own Work back to Me…
He also tried to tell Me it was worth ‘about $1000’, lol. The man who actually owns this painting had it returned to him shortly after this photo was taken, along with two other works that were stolen from his home. My Work is Magic, so for now, let’s Trust these Works find their Way back to Me.
In other news, I must report that a man complained to Me today because he had a brand new baseball bat taken from him and was T.D.A.’d (temporarily denied access for 24 hours) for having a weapon. He protested that he bought it to play baseball in the park with a couple of his buddies who are trying to stay clean and put their focus on sports. A weapon is not a weapon until it has been used to cause harm. If anything that could be used as a weapon constitutes a weapon, a man would not be able to enter with fists, feet or teeth. Virtually anything can be used as a weapon, so if the Salvation Army must have a no weapons policy, they should at the very least have a comprehensive list of the Salvation Army defines a weapon. Because anywhere else in Canada a baseball bat is not a weapon unless it is used to cause harm. The Salvation Army needs to make a list of all items not allowed on premise available to their clients in Writing if they are to hold them to it as a ‘corporate’ policy.
So, an eventful day and My friend did as King of Me to tell his story and not include names. And so it is done, My friend. My most powerful weapon is My Word, and promise to use it carefully.
Love and Blessings,
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