Well, I hope everyone is feeling wonderful today! For Me, it really is a ‘Lucky’ Wednesday, even if no further [Good] Fortune were to come from it, it has already been a fabulous week.
Shortly after Writing My last Post, the friend I am providing Counsel for in Court found Me. It was Great to see him and even better to hear what happened to him the day he was supposed to be in Court. Apparently, he arrived at the Court by 8:30 but had some tools in his backpack that he could not bring into the Courthouse, so he had to find a friend he could leave his tools with while he attended Court. He told Me he was back at the Courthouse by 9:30 and because I was already gone, he went to Duty Counsel’s office to find out what he should do, only to find out that ‘his lawyer’ had already dealt with the Issue.
“My lawyer? I don’t think he’s a lawyer, he’s just My friend… But he’s really smart, he knows what he’s doing.”
“He’s not a lawyer?”
“I don’t think so, I don’t know.”
He said she sounded angry at this point, “If he’s not a lawyer he shouldn’t be able to just walk in here and get Your disclosure.”
“I don’t know, I don’t think he’s a lawyer, I just know he knows this stuff better than Me, so I asked him to help Me.”
As furious as whomever he was speaking to may have been, My friend said exactly what he should have said and what I had as King of him to say if anyone were to ask. I’m not a lawyer and I would never call My Self one – lawyers are practising for profit, it is a professional title. Although English dictionaries define lawyer as anyone who advises, practices or studies law, when One is as King if they are a lawyer in Court, generally the Court is as King if the man has a licence to practice. I don’t have a licence and I don’t want to make any false claims. I am a human rights advocate and a teacher and representative of the Common Law, but I do not presume to be an expert in man’s corporate fiction of law, (which is what the licence is for). It Will be interesting to see if the Court as King of Me any Quest-Ion’s with respect to My ability to competently Act as Counsel for My friend. If they do, I Will be ready…
That was the other great Gift I was Given this week; yesterday My friend and I had a chance to review his disclosure for the first time. I hadn’t looked at it yet as it seemed a breach of Trust in the event that My friend changed his Mind about My Counsel – it is difficult to know what to do when Your client doesn’t show up. However, his not being there for Court boosted My client’s confidence in My ability to defend him. “I couldn’t believe You were already gone and that it was all taken care of, You are amazing!”
“Meh, no sweat…”
I did Give him a bit of a lecture about making sure he meets with Me before We go to Court (at which time he explained why he was so late). The Courts need to know that he has asked for My Counsel and consented to allowing Me to Present his Case to the Courts. I don’t think he needs to be there for Our next Court date any more than he needed to be there last time, though I would like the Court to hear direct from My client that I am Acting as Counsel on his behalf (a friend did once say that “Wonderful Counsellor” was one of the Ways I would be remembered). 😉
I also respect the same lawyer/client privileges any lawyer would offer, only better. I Will never disclose any information contained in the disclosure of cases I am War King on. I do have the freedom and right to let the public know the names of My clients, but I don’t even want to share that information right now. What I can say, is that Constable Christopher Jenkyn (the officer who assaulted Me before My arrest) was responsible for My friend’s arrest, too. I don’t like what I’ve seen from Constable Jenkyn so far, and My new Case is going to Give Me one more reason to complain about him. It seems that every day, all My Cases become a little stronger.

There is a Willful determination on the Part of The Salvation Army to trespass on the rights and dignity of their clients, including breach of trust and subjecting clients to rules and regulations that would otherwise only be applicable in jail. Seriously. Only in jail and shelters are nail clippers, a personal grooming item, are considered a weapon dangerous enough that if a client is found to own a pair, they can be temporarily denied access to the facility for a duration of time that is discretionary relative to the whim of whomever is responsible for finding the nail clippers. Yeah, that’s respecting the rights and dignity of clients – not!!! The Salvation Army Booth Centre does not even try to reflect Christian philosophies or the teachings Christ, though they ‘claim’ that is the foundation of the organization. The Salvation Army is a corporate shill, fraud, and a disgrace to Christian philosophy and the teaching of Christ. And that is My opinion and Claim on the [Common Law Court of] Record. If The Salvation Army Wishes to defend against My Claim, You know where to find Me.
Love and Blessings, everyone – more letters to Salvation Army staff coming soon!!!
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