Hello everyone, welcome to the Thursday Think King Edition, thank You for being here. I have some Big Ideas I Wish to share with You today. I have been think King about Kingdom a lot lately, especially over the last few days and decided the Thoughtful Thing King Thursday Edition would be the perfect time for tall King with You about it.
I Created this Poster sometime last summer. The date would have been My day in Court, except Crown withdrew the charges.

The Idea, was that this canvas would have been made into posters and plastered all over town to promote the date and fill the courtroom. Without the poster I already had enough support to fill at least half the courtroom. That’s why I was a little disappointed when the charges were withdrawn, and many of My peers were disappointed also.
It also took a little Wind out of My Sail; now, if I want My day in Court with Constable Jenkyn, I have to start a new Common Law process. I spent so much time preparing for that day, so much time preparing My Letter of complaint with the city, filing paperwork with the courts, and providing legal Counsel for My Friend… I was done Writing letters for a little bit. I am going to follow up with Constable Jenkyn because that’s as important as anything else I’m doing, and that Letter is on this week’s Agenda and should be posted before the end of the week.
What am I tall King about when I say Kingdom? For Me, I always Visualize a Castle, and I presume that’s logical and that most People would. I’d be interested to hear any of My reader’s comments on the Word, ‘Kingdom’. Although I Visualize a Castle, I (now) conceptualize My Self as that. The Keep is the Spirit of Life, the Will. The Mind is the King, the Land Lord. The Body is the Land, the Walls, the physical Establishment (Establishment = Establish Mind). The three together are a United State of Being, a Holy Trinity, or Whole E Trinity (E=Energy)
For Me, it also means being able to Live My Life the Way I believe God intended for Me to Live it. That’s what this is really about. I believe in the Value of what I am doing. I have always believed in the Value in what I am doing. This is Part of My Kingdom, a Body of Work, and also the most Magical. What I Wish for most in My immediate microcosm, is the ability to truly Focus on this without interference. This entire Story is really just the Tale of a man in pursuit of a Spiritual Life.

My microcosm and macrocosm are colliding in Ways they never have before. The above document is how I make My Way in the world. It is My Kingdom as much as anything else. It’s also My ‘niche’ as a Blogger. The interesting thing about monetizing My Blog, is that it Will never have any influence on My perceived Value of it. Monetizing My Blog Will encourage Me to Focus on marketing strategies, and implementing them Will (or should) increase traffic even if it doesn’t generate income, and that is of Value to Me.
The reason I am sharing all of this is because virtually all advice about Writing a Blog for profit suggests that the type of Blog You are reading now, is not the kind of Blog One should Write [for profit]. I’m a rebel, so it kind of makes sense that I would choose to Write the kind of Blog ‘least likely’ to succeed in a commercial world, and I enjoy a Good challenge. I would also say it’s probably Good advice.
I never really expected a lot of People would take interest in reading about the ‘adventures of a spiritual warrior’ but I thought it might be entertaining for anyone who might stumble across My Words. Now I sometimes refer to My Self as a ‘Rogue Journalist’, but it’s the same Idea, same thing I’ve been doing since I began Writing this Blog over ten years ago. To have thousands of People reading My Blog every month and over 5,000 followers on Twitter, that is success for Me in a Way that would be unfair for Me to expect anyone else to fully appreciate. All of that is because I am telling My Story, not in spite of it. And all of it began with the document pictured above.
All the Magic I am tall King about here, is real Magic in the physical Universe, My Microcosm. Every time I use that document, I am making a Declaration of My Life’s Purpose, I’m further Establishing Kingdom. I take the document very seriously, and I believe it is My Duty and responsibility to Establish God’s Kingdom on Earth – or at the very least, to do what I can. I also believe that choosing to do so is worthy of a dignified Life, and Part of Me is very interested to know what the country of Canada might have to say about that. I’m not sure I Will ever be Presented with an opportunity to be as King such a Question, but I would be curious to know the reply.
I am also seriously considering the Creation of a “Kingdom of Heaven Found A Sean”. There have been significant synchronicities in My Microcosm and Macrocosm. The technical difficulties I was having getting My Blog monetized was in perfect harmony with My negotiations with the city of Ottawa. An interim resolution with the city was reached at the same time My technical issues were resolved. Two completely separate Issues were literally in perfect harmony with one another. I have Issues with money, I don’t like the stuff. So the only Way I can really get motivated to earn it, is if I were to come up with something Good to do with it.
The other issue I have with it, is that I feel what I am doing is of Value regardless how profitable My Blog is. I’m doing real work in My microcosm, too, and I really don’t talk about that part of it much. What I’m really trying to say, is that I don’t think the money man is able to generate from her Blog has any bearing on his right to a dignified, autonomous Life, and My opinion on that Matter Will never change, regardless the success of My own ventures.
Don’t We all deserve Kingdom?
Wow, it took Me considerably longer than usual to Write this Post, so the Thursday Thing King of Kingdom Edition Will be published early for Freelance Friday.
Love and Blessings,
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Where there is a will , there is a way .
We have a religious saying here in Arabic , that the land would become full of justice and righteousness after it has been filled with unfairness and injustice .
تملأ الدنيا قسطا وعدلا، كما ملأت جورا وظلما .