Or in My case, inflate-Sean. How is every One this evening? I hope and Trust You are all well, thank King or Queen You for being here, it is always an Honour to have You in My House. Every time I am thing King I’m just coming to Write a short Post it becomes a thousand Words very quickly. But today I really mean it – or so I hope!
The Simple Solution for controlling inflation this Saturday, is to cap all State Actors pay to sixty thousand dollars a year and not a penny more. Government has an emergency session in the House of Commoners to pass another bill requiring all corporations doing business in Canada to hand over all corporate profits for redistribute Sean amongst the People who were responsible for making them so wealthy in the first place.
That’s a pretty simple solution, right? How fast is One thing King the economy would turn around if those kind of laws were imposed to protect the interests of the People? As far as handing over corporate profits are concerned, it wouldn’t have to be unfair in any Way – they get redistributed based on a total time share relative to hours each individual has been employed with the company at the time of the legislation. The profits go right back to the People who were responsible for the company achieving them.
Yep, there’s some communist ideology for You. Doesn’t it sound terrible?
I’m also chiming in today to Show You My new war King progress, a new Venue for an International Court of Law.
The King’s Bench feels a lot more roomy here. This is where I Will be organizing and Publishing to the International Court of Record the crimes of Canada’s treasonous State Actors. I figure if I’m going to be teaching the world how a King amasses wealth for His People’s Kingdom, I may as well teach these judges and registrars how a Sovereign governs a Lawful Common Law Court.
The ‘Juris Diction’ tab is where all the Covenants ratified by State Actors Will be listed. The Court does not require the consent of State Actors to the Juris Diction of the Court because the ratification of the Treaty is already a contractual obligation binding State Actors to the applicable Covenant and consenting to be legally and lawfully bound by it. Ratification dates of one or more of the Covenants listed Will be included with service of documents on parties Ordered to answer to the Court.
You might guess where I’m going with this in the New Year! And just wait until You see the virtual studio I Will set up for listening to audio of corrupt state actors!!!
Today’s feature photo is My beautiful Christmas Cactus coming out just in time for the New Year Celebrate Sean!!!
Love and Blessings,
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